Almighty granted him this Invisible Domain that the armies of Jinn
humankind and birds were given to him.
there were gathered unto Solomon his armies of the jinn
and humankind, and of
birds, and they were set in battle order (27:17)

the Jinn
and humankind implies the Invisible Creation that Travels in Inward
and those Muakalaat
which fly in Inward
are meant by Teer-Sair
(traveling and
sightseeing (on wings)). These birds do not mean the ordinary earthly birds
that we see. Hence, Hazrat
Suleiman Alaihis-Salaam
used these Inwardly
Invisible Armies for many assignments which are mentioned
in the Holy Quran at different occasions. One day the Mercy for all Worlds -the Holy Prophet of Allah
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
told his Companions one day
that when he
offering Assalaat
(Prayers) at night, a Jinn
came to him
. he
wanted to catch him and tie him with the
pole of the Masjid so that the kids of Madinah can play with him but then he
remembered the Prayer of
Suleiman Alaihis-Salaam
and he
thought it not fit that he
should get in the way of
his Prayer. Since this is the time of heresy and materialism, therefore, if we
mention such extraordinary events and spiritual miracles in front of these
material minded people of this age, first they totally deny it or try to put
forth very absurd and irrelevant arguments change the real spirit of the
incident in order to match it with their materialistic mind. We consider such
blind people disable because they have not seen anything other than the
material world, cause and effect and condition and result. Their gaze
cross the limit of the world of paraphernalia. The hand of nature has been away
of the perception of their materialistic senses as its perception is the job of
Senses, not of physical senses and wisdom. Subtle
Creation of the
Realm of Command (Aalim-e-Amar) is of three kinds: Jinn, Angels and Spirits.
The evidence of the appearance and attendance of the first two kinds have
already been given by us from the Holy Quran.
now give the proof of the presence of the third kind, that is, the Spirits. In
the first Para of the Holy Quran in the Surah
Al Baqarah (02) an account of
Musa Alaihis-Salaam
and the Children of
Israel that in the time of Hazrat
Musa Alaihis-Salaam
a big person of Children of Israel was murdered. The murderer could not be
found due to which threat of a battle and unrest in the nation was likely.
Hence, the people approached Hazrat
Musa Alaihis-Salaam
for the investigation into the matter so that he might help them finding the
real killer using his Inwardly
and Invisible Power ensuring no threat of any
unrest and fight among people. Hazrat
Musa Alaihis-Salaam
asked them to bring a cow of a specific breed. A cow like his demand was found
after long search and struggle. Hazrat
Musa Alaihis-Salaam
ordered them to slaughter that cow. When that had been slaughtered, Hazrat
ordered them to hit the body of the murdered person with a piece of meat of a
specific part of the cow. When this was done, the murdered person turned alive
for a moment and he told the name of his killer and this matter was resolved
without any threat of widespread turmoil.
says: And
(remember) when you slew a man and disagreed concerning it and Allah
forth that which you were hiding. And We said: Smite him with some of it. Thus,
brings the dead to life and shows you His portents so that you may
understand (2:72)

it is proved that Hazrat
Musa Alaihis-Salaam
had invoked the spirit
of that murdered person with his Inwardly
and Spiritual Power and talked
with it in front of all people and received correct information from it. If
this situation fits on one person, it should also stay valid for all persons of
human race provided that it some person a Master of this extraordinary Ilm
invites the spirit through a valid method, the Roohani
surely comes and talks
and converses.