thing is not something impossible. Some would say that this was the Miracle
a Messenger that the dead person became living. We say that if it were a
and was not the Ilm
of the Haziraat
of the Spirits, then Hazrat
would have resurrected the dead person by a caress only. What was the need of a
cow of a special breed, slaying it and then obtaining meat of a specific
portion of its body and smiting his dead body with that piece of meat? All this
series was the method of the Haziraat
of spirits. Another thing, though, the
office of Prophecy has ended but the Divine Scripture of the Holy Prophet, its
and its Spiritual Power is still present in the descendant Ummat
and these
things will remain until the Day of Resurrection. As the Holy Prophet has said:
(Saying of the
Holy Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
of my Ummat
will be like the Messengers (of Allah) of the Children of
Israel and will have such spiritual power.

(Saying of the
Holy Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
are the heirs (and inheritors) of the Prophets.

this heritage is not for detailed issues and Qeel-O-Qaal
only but it should
also be of the Spiritual power and Haal. Now, how this thing be digested by the
brains of the materialistic people of this age that these incidents are correct
because they do not believe in the Holy Quran and those who half-heartedly believe,
it is very easy for them to explain such events as they like. The West stricken
people and the fans of the new light give to every that thing that comes out of
the mouth and tongue of the West more an importance and acceptance than a
Heavenly Wahi. Hence, in order to make them certain about the spiritual world
and to make them sure concerning Haziraat
, if we quote the indisputable
beliefs of the Europeans to them, if Allah
wills, it will be more worthwhile
and credible. Thus, here we describe the spiritual conditions of the Europeans
prevailing these days. Readers will get astonished surely because there is not
combination between the materialism and spirituality.
this thing is totally true and free of any doubt of falsehood or exaggeration
that the Europeans have discovered the Spiritual World and they have been
successful in drilling a hole and window in the mount of Qalb
like Yaajooj and
Maajooj (Gog and Magog). Now please listen its details with more concentration:
about a hundred years, the Ilm
of the Haziraat
of Spirits
which they call
Spiritualism, is popular and vogue. It is very hot topic there and this Ilm
assumed the position like a universal religion there. Billions of people in
America are followers and believers of this new ism
and this religion has
spread over entire Europe and there is no country of Europe in which are not
countless spiritual institutes, big clubs, mega societies, thousands of
lecturers and hundreds of Aamileen
, that is, the 'mediums'. Many big doctors,
chemists, scientists, philosophers and lords and even the members of parliament
are special members of these societies and are active participants. In Europe,
many such daily newspapers and weekly journals are issued in great numbers
which publish the achievements of these spiritual societies in printed form for
the public. Hence, the Psychic News London is a famous newspaper with vast
circulation and many other newspapers are also printing about this knowledge.
Also, there are colleges of this knowledge there. This Ilm
is regularly taught
there and the 'British College of Psychic Science London is a big college of
this field. The materialistic renegades of our religion the many persons of new
education system who waste their precious lives in reading the love fiction,
they are, perhaps, not even aware of the name of this Ilm
although thousands,
if not millions, book pertaining to this Ilm
and Ism
are certainly present in
every big city of Europe which are studied by the people there with good
interest and fond.