times, such thoughts and notions also take the tyro Seeker
towards the Tark
and the line of Faqar
that when he would set step in Faqar
, he will be
left with no care of the physical wealth of the world as he will become the
and Wali of Allah
as soon as he will set his step in; and he will get
sustenance form the Unseen; and the Jinn
and Angels will come under his command
and they will provide him all that which he will demand from them; and his Rozeena
(daily allowance) will be fixed or his Unseen Hand will start working or he
will start seeing the treasures and troves buried in earth or he will get the
formulas of the Kimiya-Akseer
or will find Sang e Paaris. Hence, thousands of
such kind of absurd thoughts and notions strike his heart. Satan
shows many
such imaginary green gardens and turn them beggar after they have become
jobless and unemployed. Some immature Seekers resign from their posts. Some
sale their properties and get them looted. Since the intention of these Seekers
is not single-minded and Pure (holy) and after some period, when they get nothing
in hand from these things, they return to what they were with a plain face and
regret all their lives because of rue and sorrow. Such daydreamer Seekers, when
fall a prey in the hands of the imperfect trader like Piraan, they keep them
looting by showing them such false dreams and fake promises and keep them
employed for their service and spoil their precious lives and money in their
false assurances of this day and the next day. Some Seekers, when they again
and again pressurize these cunning shopkeeper (and tradesmen) Piraan for
fulfilling their promises, then these fake Piraan engages these Seekers into Chilla
, recluse and Mujahida
of different sorts. Hence, many Seekers become mad
during these Chilla
, some fall ill and some leave to somewhere else after
getting exhausted in such vain exercises and the Hazrat
Pir of this kind get
rid of them in this way. Hence, the Seeker
should avoid these reveries,
daydreaming and the absurd melancholia.
(of Preoccupation) of the Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
the best, superior, easiest and peaceful way of the Zikr
in all the methods
available. Tongue of the human being becomes dry at the time of death and the
organs and senses cease to work. Only the tool of Visualization
and Tafakkur
left with the human being for the Zikr
at that occasion. If the Seeker
has done
the Exercise
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat ) through the Visualization
in his life and has established the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
inside him and has wrapped his body in the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
and has made his heart Living through the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat ),
then he will know the value and worth of this blessed Exercise
at the critical
time of his death when through the Inwardly
Electricity of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat ),
his all Inwardly
Subtleties and flesh and skin, all organs and the entire hairs
of his body will start utterance in the Zikr
and will start calling Allah
in fervor and enthusiasm and the whole body will start giving voice like a
musical organ with the Zikr
and the psalms of the Zikr
of Allah will be heard from each-and-all
(jointly and severally) the veins and muscles like the chords of a musical
instrument! The end of such a person ends in good because Satan
cannot come
near this person at the time of his death. When the Munkir-Nakir
stand the
Master of the Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat ) for questions and answers
session in the grave and when he wakes up, the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
shines and glows like sun from the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat ) Inscribed on his forehead,
bosom and his palms seeing upon which the Kiraman Katibeen fall in astonishment
and stand obediently with deference and say that:
slave of Allah! Please take a sleep in peace same as a bride sleeps! May Allah
bestow upon you the best'
that 'you do not need to be questioned and answered, your blessed body itself
is bearing witness. Bravos for your courage and well done for your savings that
your hands and feet and all organs are colored in the Color of Allah. We feel
hesitation in asking you the questions. Now you sleep for the Wasal
of your companion
-Allah Almighty waiting for Him like a bride'.