Positively apprehensive and purposeful Pondering Contemplation Consideration rumination and thinking about something. At its Utmost Level it results in Fanaa (Destruction) of Nafs Baqaa (Rebirth) with Allah and experience of seeing Didaar (P195 Noor ul Huda). Further explanation of Tafakkur is this that when the Murshid granted Tafakkur to the Seeker of Allah along with the Name of Allah and the Zikr and Fikr and the Master of Tafakkur lost his consciousness; and in Muraqiba which is like dream the d?cor of both the worlds that is of Dunya and Sequel is brought in front of the Master of Tafakkur. However that Master of Tafakkur who believes the preoccupation with the Name of Allah Noor of Allah and Allah Almighty better than Both-the-Worlds and thinks Both-the-Worlds very much trivial [as compared to them] then the Uncreated Noor attracts the creature human being unto itself in such a way that it does not allow him slip unto any the Outsider of Allah Almighty. His will (and commission) chants Aamanna Wa Sadaqnaa with the Haq ul Haq the Absolute Will (and The Commissioner) and he who becomes a denier of the Wahdat of the Divine becomes the Mushrik (Polytheist) (P109 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan). For specific meanings and more details please also read P47 Didaar Bakhsh Klaan P195 P245 Noor ul Huda Klaan P76 Jamey ul Asraar P61-62 Kaleed e Jannat P157-158 Aqal Baidaar P28-29 P34 P98 P110 P209 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan.