keep them in their control by showing them their bogus Kashf
and Karamaat
telling them Untrue stories. They tell that they may donate them cash and kind
every year as their share and contribution and may come to see them just and
all they need is to just make them connected to their place as when they are
present, they should not worry for the Hereafter
and as such they are
responsible for them and they need not to do anything. These people too are ready
to offer this atonement as an easy alternative and consider meeting the Pir
once a year at the time of donating their share and a yearly tax at the end of
each year. They consider this trick of Waseela
and intercession by the Pir, for
the deliverance in the Next World and attainment of the Heaven, as cheap as a
free gift instead of daily offering Five Times Assalaat
(Prayers), remaining
hungry and thirsty for thirty Days in Fasting, paying Zakaat
every year and
undertaking long journey and effort of Hajj, remaining caught up every hour in
religious restrictions, doing Amal
till death, undertaking Mujahida
painstaking Riyazat! Thus, they do nothing all their lives and waste it. In
reality, these two things are the cause of man's mental and rational
disorientations. One is this that man becomes so much heedless and bare from
and wisdom that he digests everything without thinking it over or starts
walking on every path like a blind person. Or on the other hand, he should deny
everything that escapes wisdom or does not fit mental caliber of material
background and should starts believing in non-existence of that thing which
cannot be understood by the wisdom of a few guys. Former kind of people are
called Zalaal (flagrantly erred) and gone astray and the latter kind is called
and Heresy.
Being! Allah
does not demand mere believing in Him. He has Ordered that
'therefore, flee unto Allah'(51:50)
and 'will you be steadfast? And your Lord is ever Seer (25:20)'
verily, O man, are working toward your Lord a work which you will meet (in His
presence) (84:6)

do not halt (and intervene) some long distance or mountains, jungle or river in
between God Almighty and His slave. There is no physical aloofness nor is
periodic partition between him and his God Almighty. Allah
Almighty says that 'He is nearer to the human
being than his jugular vein and soul'. Thus, only
virtual curtains of darkness are hanging between Allah
and the slave. Same as
the human
being, by sleeping and entering the dream of ignorance, becomes
heedless of all the world, his near ones and even of his body, same like this,
the human
spirit has fallen the eternal deep sleep and is away of its Lord and
the Rightful Sustainer
This distance and gap can only be covered through cordial and virtual feet. It
is not possible by the corporeal bulk of the body.
is that period which has acute shortage of true men. Kaamil
exist but as rare as Phoenix is rare. Spirit
of religion and
spirituality has left the world. Mind has been wasted. Just a weal layer and
cover of Faith and Religion has left. Dark clouds of ignorance have surrounded
the hearts. The True Salikeen of Allah
Almighty have hid themselves under the
blanket of anonymity and obscurity whereas the demon like and monster minded
people have sit on the throne of saints wearing raiment of Solomon and are
ruling on the hearts of nincompoop and plain people. These cunning shopkeepers
(and tradesmen) cheat the people with vainglories and marvels of many kinds -some through mere exterior of Faqar
, some through appearance and way of
treatment like Sufis, some through verbal Qeel-O-Qaal
like telling the issues
pertaining to Tasawvuf
and fable concerning earlier Saints and sanctity of
their family lineage and the forefathers.