amazing this thing is that these heretically beaten civilized world is seen
praising and admiring in their places of worships and shrines the guides and
founders of religion of ancient times like the Holy Messengers (of Allah) and
Aulia and consider this praise a means of their salvation!
be to Allah! That atheistic Europe which is in great pride and arrogance over
its material power yet it is acknowledging the power of its Israeli Messenger
in both words and actions in Hymans of the praise and veneration of him all the
Churches are echoed day and night. Reason is this that the spiritual talons of
the ancient times have clutched the hearts of the material minded people of new
times and such they have been tied inside through an invisible chain of
dominance. Though they know not that how such invisible chords have leashed
their necks yet they want to get freedom from these but cannot like camels,
elephants and bull etcetera. Although physical power and outward force is more
powerful and dominating than man but by virtue of his wisdom, intellect and
knowledge he has controlled and dominated the animals which are more powerful
and mighty than him and in this way he is using them for his benefit. Similarly,
the dead hearted carnal people, no matter how much wise and philosophers they
are in worldly wisdom and physical knowledge but in front of the Inwardly
and Spiritual Power, they are like cattle which are caught by spiritual people
from their invisible hairs of their heads with their Noori
an animal but He does grasp it by the forelock! (11:56)
as the cattle are grasped from their horns or forelock in order to drive them
where one wants, those with Angelic Spiritual Uloom
drive these materialistic
(and freethinking) cattle with ability to speak to wherever they want quite
human being! You have determined for acquisition of Ilm
And have prepared yourself for attainment of different Uloom,
Unless you will read some pages of the archives of Ishq
will absolute remain Abu Jahl even if you are wise like Ibne Sina!
though, the Science and technological advancement is elevating the Europe on
the top of the lofty tower of Pharaoh
but ethical and spiritual decline is very
speedily driving it towards the deepest ditch of the carnal darkness and
lustful neglectfulness and the bottom of the ignorance. They should instead
wail upon the scant spirituality they have today instead of taking pride over
their technology. If material advancement surge them a foot, the spiritual
ignorance is burring them down a hundred miles. Though Europe has become a
model of the Garden of Shaddad
by virtue of the abundance of material luxury
and comfort and the worldly provisions, yet on the grounds of morality and
spirituality it is the poorest, extremely underdeveloped and famine-stricken
area in the whole world. Although worldly provisions and outward food is in
plenty and abundance there but the Inwardly
Food and Spiritual Nourishment like
, Obedience and the Worship
of Lord are rare and uncommon like
Phoenix. Clubs of dance and glamour are running day and night everywhere;
drinking is done a lot; adultery
(and fornication), devilment, abomination and
vices (Fisq O Fajoor) are in routine practice; alcohol and pork is staple food;
people are sitting with dogs in their laps on one side and girls are under
armpit on the other side; there is no other activity other than devilish Lahve
and La'ebb (sport and pastime 6:32) and sensational games and happy hours. Who
would dare to remember the Name of Allah
there where is such a climax of the
ignorance of the ignorant and the springtime of the satanic temptations?
Pick and throw them out in the street,
the eggs of the new civilization are rotten.
Muhammad Iqbal]
day the world has set its step towards the height of the material progress and
worldly advancement and it has just faced towards this one task only, from that
very day the moral, religious and spiritual decline has started and, gradually,
people have become indifferent and heedless about the essential real and
original facet of the Faith so much so that, though, the world has touched the
horizons of physical advancement, but, it is fallen in the bottom of the
deepest trench of spiritual and moral downfall.