is one or another secret of some worldly significance or political wellbeing
attached with every Order of the Religion and the Elements of the Doctrine. For
example, the Kalimah-e-Shahadat
an Laaa-Ilaaha
Waḥdah La Sharika Lahu Wa Ash-hadu Anna Muḥammadan
Abduhu Wa Rasuluhu (I bear witness that (there is) none deity of worship except
Allah; One is He, no partner has He, and I bear witness that Muhammad
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam is His Servant and Messenger)
is just a formal expression of national unity
and Tauheed. Fasts and Fasting in the Holy Ramadhan is a practice of the Jihad
against Nafs
and the training of the moral conduct (and ethics). That is, it is
an exercise of habituating the Nafs
for hunger and thirst and for making is
accustomed to kill temptations and desires so that this practice may prove
beneficial at times of battles and in cases when there is shortage of food.
(Prayers) in Congregation is just the obedience of the Emir
itself is a kind of physical practice and Wuzu (ablution) is meant for
mere cleanliness. Masjids (Mosques) are places of Five Times gahtering for the
political gatherings and state affairs and for the consultations and opions for
the religious compromises. These people say that all the ancient Ulema
Learned Persons and the old Saints and the Guides of the Clear Doctrine and the
Muhaddis (narrator of Hadis
and specialized in this field) and the entire Faqih
and Commentators and Interpretators have been mistaken in understanding the
real intent and meaning of the Holy Quran and Ahadees
and the original kernal
and aim is that which have been understood by them.
'Should one not bewail over such kind of wisdom
and thoughts!'
Allah (Himself) fights against them. How perverse
they are! (9:30)

short, these people focus upon one or other worldly and political profit pinned
in every religious practice and the religion.
blind by eyes Heretics, give such rationalizations for the institutions of
Prophets, Messengers (of Allah) and the Reality of the Wahi
(Divine Revelations
sent through Angel) that the Messengers and Prophets has been such
compassionate and sympathetic leaders and reformers of their people who was
naturally rich with the passion and enthusiasm for the welfare and wellbeing of
their nations. They were predominated by such a kind of thoughts by virtue of
their such passion and enthusiasm that their imaginative power captured some of
these issues through the dominance of specter so much so that at times they
heard some kind of voice under the state of such over dominance which was named
by them as Wahi
and Ilhaam
and by chance some superstitious hypothetical figure
was also seen at times by them which was called by them angel. Nevertheless,
there exists no kind of such invisible thing and Angel in the outer. All these
are just notional fictions of their imaginative power. These opponents of
wisdom, either consider the Messengers deceivers or the deceived and take the
and Ilhaam
and Miracles and Karamaat
of the entire Prophets and Messengers
and the Kaamil
Aulia as the outcome of the dominance of the Wahammaat
on them and they consider their elders the big wise and prudent researchers.
is He, and High Exalted above what they say! (17:43)

have become a philosopher, yet you know not,
From where have you come and what is your reality,
uninformed person! You have not the news of yourself,
you should not take pride over such knowledge.
Ali Hajveri Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe

Materialistic (and freethinking) Heretics believe that Religions are the product
of the days of ignorance and this is the era of light and knowledge. Old religions
and ancient ways were fit for that same superstitious age and should be kept
with that old age only. Now time has become glorious advanced. Olden religions
and outdated ways are not enough to support this civilized and awakened time
for keeping it on the pace of progress. Thus, new reformers and new fashions
are needed. Hence, urinating while standing, exhausting smoke all the time
sitting and standing, whistling, jumping like toads and dancing like apes
during Lahve and La'ebb (sport and pastime 6:32) and games are the signs of
civilization and decency near them!
People are not seen on the prayer carpets of the Masjids,
has become so advanced that it has reached the heavens instead.
Ala Abadi]
the names of religion and morality are remembered before them, they say that
you want to drive us back towards the old left-over conservative times. Time
has advanced so much. These people favor so much the emancipation and unveiling
of ladies and want to see their women dancing with men in nakedness like the
senseless and irreligious people of the West. They call this absurdity, nudity,
shamelessness and dishonor the name of progress, freedom and civilization.