some hearts have survived a little, these are suffering from severe Inwardly
ailments. Effects of these Invisible Diseases are being seen in the hearts of
these people in forms of hard Kufr
like thoughts and heretic doubts and
objections concerning the religion. Neither exist doctors of hearts nor of Ruh
(spirit) now. Most are those who know not of their disease. Who will treat that
patient who considers him healthy and fit? We give hereunder some profanely
doubts and suspicions and heretic thoughts and contraventions as a sample to
test the whole which have been spread through the effects of Western Education
due to which the religious world has almost become stinky and noxious. Of these,
some people are those who have become deniers of the very existence of God and
say that why should they believe in that go who neither can be sensed and identified
in the world nor is seen any action and activity of him. Why should that god be
acknowledged and believed in, who is not comprehendible? These people are blind
by heart. It is hard to connive a born blind about the sun and the color of the
things. All the world is bright and illumining through its light and the shapes
and colors of all the things become prominent through its light but, near the
blind persons, there is no existence of the sun and no effect they can realize
its heat and light. What fault can be of anyone if such persons cannot perceive
and understand the light of sun and appearance of things?
is mistake on part of the sun?
a bat can see nothing in the daylight?
each atom of the world is living and thriving in the light of this sun that
illuminates' everything and all the wise persons, prudent beings and open-eyed
persons, seers of the world are the witness to His Matchless and Unparallel
and the Glorious Actions of His Ability.
these are some political atheists on the heads of those Satan
is imposed on.
imprints this Baatil
thought in their brain that the religion and
doctrines have been set for the Outwardly
and worldly welfare and the political
and economic progress and for the reformation of culture and civilization and
sociality of the humankind and all the Messengers (of Allah) and Aulia etcetera
have been just the worldly reformers and peacemakers and political leaders of
their people in their respective eras and they, through their metal ability and
brainpower, have had devised religions just for the worldly reformation and
political progress of that era and they had been driving the simple minded
plain plebs of those times on the tacks and trails of religious Codes giving
them hypothetical threat of Hell and the entice of the Garden and the bounties
of the Garden, Houries
and Palaces were just the consolations given to a kid
and were labyrinths enacted for the superstitious people of that time. In
reality, the set reward of the political achievement and dominance of the state
was the Eden, therefore, the independent and victorious nations enjoy the
luxuries and comforts and bounties here in this worldly reign and power of
state whereas the occupied and nondependent nations face the punishment of
slavery, woe and poverty and misery of the Hells of this world. Hence, this is
that which is the intent of a religion also. Besides this, neither is there any
Eden nor is Hell. Similarly, there is no another life after death. There is no
Accountability and Punishment and Reward. In support of this political atheism
and worldly interests, they, even express the following Baatil
thoughts and
absurd notions that all these Outwardly
Ways of Shariyat
and Fundamentals of the
Religion have been clarified for the sake of this worldly wellbeing and
political improvement: