this affair is certain that this phenomenon is not the outcome of the physical
senses and physical perceptions. Atheist Blind Materialistic (freethinkers)
when notice such a kind of true actualities and of other invisible perceptions and
Spiritual Occurrences which they cannot evaluate through their materialistic
mind, they make some kind of its explanation and irrelevant reasoning. However,
there are some whole minded persons who have a little availability of Inwardly
Senses who surely deduce from these kinds of occurrences that there certainly
exists a kind of Spiritual Subtle
World which, at times, is sensed and revealed
through the Inwardly
Senses. Nevertheless, the righteous people daily see such
true dreams and always find them true and never err. Some Living-Hearted
are such that they see the forthcoming events of future through Muraqiba
state of wakefulness. The Holy Messengers (of Allah) and the Aulia say that the
heart of these people s the Jaam Jehan-Numa
(World Showing Jaam
Goblet of King Jamshaid) and the Aenaa-e-Sikandari (Mirror of Alexander) in which all events and
occurrences of the world are screened. Human
heart is, but, a model and sample
of the Loh-e-Mahfooz
of Allah
Almighty and every person, as per his capacity
and capability, can see the scenes of present, past and future. Same as the
being has been endowed with the outwardly senses by which he can find and
sense the things of the Real of the Perceivable, same as this, those people who
have been endowed upon with the Inwardly
Senses, they can take the Mushahida
the things and of the Inwardly
and Spiritual World and the events and
occurrences of the Realm of Command (Aalim-e-Amar).
is the bounty of Allah; which he gives unto whom he wills. Allah
is of infinite
bounty (62:4)
larger is the lens of a person's telescope of his heart, the wider is the scope
of seeing the Invisible Truths and Spiritual Elements for him. Recently the
scientists have invented a heavy and powerful telescope which has been fixed at
the observatory and research lab at California. Millions of such stars have been
seen through it which were not seen by the telescopes of earlier versions.
more powerful telescopes with wider range are expected in future. When this
physical scope of sight is not limited, then if Allah
Almighty has granted
wider a scope to the telescope of a Wali or a Prophet through which he can see
the spectacle of the whole universe, then he will be a jealous person who
cavils at this.
know only some appearance of the life of the world, and are heedless of the
hereafter (30:7)
should be like the Jaam Jehan-Numa
(World Showing Jaam
Goblet of King Jamshaid),
one can see all the occurrences of the Kingdom of (the original) Dara (that is,
and Outwardly, feeling and knowing, the Realm of the Unseen and the
Kingdom all the time and every moment individually, collectively,
synoptically and in detail and constantly keeping the information of every atom
of the universe and letting no defect and shortcoming in this knowledge
deserves to Allah
Almighty alone Who is the Waajib-ul-Wujood
and the Aalim
ul Ghaib
Wa Shahadat
and this is His unique dignified Caliber
which cannot be shared by any other person.
is the First, the Last, and the Outward
and the Inward; and He is Knower of all
things (57:3)
are the First and the Last, You have caused every contingency and process,
are the Outward
and the Inward, what else is the existent and the naught,
Initial free of vengeance and final without parting,
free of since and why, Inward
free of how and lest.
whole universe and its knowledge too are the creations of Allah
Almighty. If
Almighty grants the knowledge of the entire universe to someone and
bestows the knowledge of the creation of the created and of the contingency to
the contingent, then even an bit of the interference and partnership is not
necessitated in the infinite Caliber
of Ilm
of that Self-Existent and the
Uncreated Essence