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Irfan (Volume 1) IRFAAN 1


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Hence, sometimes the human being feels an uninvited worry or a grief which has no apparent cause or gloominess in him the outcome of which is that some dangerous and aggrieving incident takes place after some days. The more intense or prolonged is the invisible fear, the more unwieldy, difficult and long will be the forthcoming event. On the other hand, sometimes some causeless happiness and bliss is felt and after some days a pleasant and enjoyable incident takes place after a few days. One gets the clearer, prompt and vivid sensation of these things if he has more powerful and sensitive Inwardly Senses. Those people who cannot sense these things by heart, the effect of these forthcoming incidents is felt by them by the outwardly organs like sometimes a person's either eye or other part of his body trembles or sometimes things are fallen from his hand uncontrolled or sometimes he bumps with other things and sometimes he becomes furious without reason or he does not feel sleep or the children of the house cry after breaking their sleep without a reason or at times the dogs of the house bark and produce strange sounds. In short, things like this also foretell the bad and unwelcomed incidents. When there is approaching some happiness in a house, the scene and atmosphere of that house becomes beautiful more than the previous and some inwardly joy and beauty is showered from the roofs and walls. It feels as if that house is taking pride over the happiness and is rejoicing thereby. However, these things are perceived by a minutely observing eye. On the other hand, if, at certain occasions, a tragedy or severe incident is approaching, the scene and atmosphere of that house becomes worse and deserted than even. Disappointment and gloominess are portrayed by the same wall and ceiling. Same like this if some universal blight or disaster is going to strike a city or state, similar condition prevails over the whole city or state for a certain period.




If some happy or sorrowful incident is going to take place for a person, a person can Inwardly feel the effect of that approaching incident on his face and body in the same way as some incident is shown on the screen a movie theatre but the common folk just feel his face unhopeful, tired and disconsolate.


When a new house is built or a grave is prepared, it too gives signs of happy or sad happenings yet to arrive or when a marriage is to be solemnized or an event is celebrated to cherish an occasion or coronation of king is in process, there too are seen the traces of blessing or curse beforehand. Occasionally, it happens that a person is busy in a job with full attention or is drowned in some other thought of reflection but all of a sudden, a thought about his friend or relative directly passes across his heart as a demurring Waham breaking the sequence of his thoughts. Thereafter that same friend or relative suddenly arrives there or his message or letter is received. When the Inwardly Senses of a person are more powerful and receptive, such reminder is also accompanied by an Inwardly Voice informing such arrival and at times, the face of such arrival is also seen. It, sometimes, also happen that a person wants to convey something to the other person and he has not uttered but the second person feels the impression of his message upon his heart and knows that which was not yet said. This thing is called Telepathy in English. European nations have started its study. Though they have been successful quite unsuccessful in this knowledge nor can they correctly find out the thoughts of the other person but same as the songs and dialogues get transmitted to many thousand miles away and are received there and the power, sound and light are traveled from one place to the other through electricity, same as this, the words in heart and thoughts kept in bosom are also received by those persons whose hearts are Living.


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