All that which is forbidden by Shariyat or is contrary or against it is Baa-til (Falsity) (P130 Emir ul Konain). Haq is the Faqar and Baatil is the Dunya (World) P161 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. And acquisition of the Dunya (World) for the sake of Dunya (World) the lust avarice haughtiness and the sensual desires are [all] are the indecent [activities and are Baatil]. The Baatil germinates from these (said things) P14 Taigh e Barhana. And what is that which is Haq? Haq is this that by means of Haq Ilm comes inside the body and all the Baatil goes outside the body. And to what thing do you call the Ilm of Haq and what thing do you consider Baatil? Haq is this that the Haqaiq (Truths) Haqeeqat and Marifat should be found that is the Ilm the Pillars of the Islam should be achieved which is the Foundation of Ilm in brief. All that which is besides this is indecency Kufr Shirk Bidat blights of Nafs and Satan and is the perplexity (and turbulence) of the Dunya (World) and is Outcast. These things can be sooner dispelled by the Ilm of Haq. This is the Haq and Ain-ul-Ilm which is achieved by the Muhaqaqeen of Haq through Haq (P135 Aqal Baidaar). Please also see P51 Qurb e Didaar P33 Fazal ul Liqaa P161 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan.