and august are those persons by the blessed presence of whom rains shower from
sky, earth gains life to yield, blights and disasters of multiple nature are
escaped, with a slight gesture of their eyebrows many big ventures meet success,
thrones of kings are toppled with a slight movement of their Inwardly
half a Gaze
of their Condescension (with complaisance) converts a poor beggar
into a king the owner of domain and crown. These personalities, though, look
unimportant in world, but are the crownless kings of the Abode of Perpetuity.
The greater a person is in the world, the lesser is his work. Kings do work
through gestures. They do not type piles of records like common personnel.
These people, though, seem to be poor and needy but are the real sovereigns of
the earth in the Inward
Using brick as pillow and abnegating everything of the seven heavens,
world like) the power of getting everything and the status of rule.

Spiritual Uloom
and Inwardly
skills have vanished from world and the Doctors of
and the Internists of Hearts have left the world. Situation appears
like 'Islam has been confined to books and Muslims are buried in graves'. Doors
of religious teaching and spiritual Talqeen
have shut. What schools and colleges
are of these days? These are, as if, butcher houses and slaughter centers for
the human nature and religious conscience where many innocent flocks of human
hearts are immolated in the feet of the Black Devi of Kufr
and Atheism and many
chaste spirits
are sacrificed on the threshold of the Idol of Materialism (and
freethinking) and Irreligiousness. Apparently, kids are seen getting education
but in reality, they are virtually being slaughtered.
Slay not your children, fearing a fall to poverty, We shall provide for them
and for you. Lo! the slaying of them is great sin (17:31)

should be kept in mind that the meanings of this verse are that many people
impart only the worldly education and do not give religious education to their
kids that they do not find any hope and way for the achievement of worldly
wealth through the Faith and Religion and through their admission in school or
college, it is hoped that son will get appointment on some influential post and
will earn good money. Here that old meaning of this verse does not fit at all
that the Arabs of olden times used to bury their daughters alive or used to kill
them as they used to do this practice just as shame lest someone should become
their son in law. They did not practice this in wake of poverty and hunger. This
has been mentioned in another verse like this:
when the girl child that was buried alive is asked, For what sin she was slain

many people are there who, in wake of the fear of hunger and poverty, virtually
kill their innocent kids by their own hands by admitting in schools and colleges
and waste squander their inborn religious capacity. Late Akbar has said well
about this:
could have avoided the notoriety of physically killing the kids,
he had got the idea of running a college (like these days) instead.
are secret places of Kufr
and paganism where impurity is being mixed in the Pure
(holy) carat gold of conscience and nature and the stamping of Kufr
and Heresy
and Materialism (and freethinking) is being made on the human heart of
simpletons and the exchangeable coins matching with the customs and practices
of the West are being prepared in the fees according to the faculty and in this
way, many Yusuf are being traded in lieu of these illegitimate fees. That is
the reason that the religious mentality of people has become extinct. If there
is seldom seen some witness of the presence of religious thinking in some
places of world, it has also been disfigured badly by the Western Education and
European Culture. Most of heart have died in respect of the religion and
spirituality. No religious sense has lasted in these.