the Kuffaar
of Quraish started employing every tactic to debar the Holy Prophet
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam from propagation and
spreading the Faith so much so that they planned to kill him and were determined to finish the
Doctrine of Islam and compelled him to migrate to Madinah, his highness continued his mission of spreading the
Religion of Truth after reaching Madinah. When the harmful (and insidious)
learned that he
has continued his mission even in Madinah and he is getting more success there, those enemies
of Lord did not let him
peace there and continued their efforts of destroying his mission and started attacks there,
then Allah
Almighty gave him open permission for starting warlike
counterattacks and for lifting the flag of Jihad
up. Hence, he and his Great-Holy-Companions
Radhi-ya-Allahu Ta-aala Anhum raised their swords
against all opponents and the entire Kuffaar
and Mushrikeen
for the uplift of
the Word of Truth and publication of the Doctrine of Truth in accordance to:
persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah' (2:193)
victory from Allah
was granted to him everywhere and he got full success in his
true Holy War and the Rightful Mission and he, and his successors and the genuine
followers of the Doctrine of Haq
won Lordship and the throne of the world
through this battle and every that land which kissed the blessed feet of these
Slaves of Allah
Almighty, there shone the Sun of Tauheed
and the Faith
of Haq
and the darkness and shadows of Kufr
, Shirk
and Nifaaq
, vanished from
hearts and all the world was changed anew. Hearts became cleaned and Intensions
became on right path. Every person stopped doing evil in wake of Allah's Fear
and started doing deeds of goodness in Hope of Mercy and in this way, all the
world took a sigh of relief and started living a life of peace with the peace
of Islam and Eimaan
and the impunity of Irfaan.
established commonly everywhere in the world. Brotherhood and Equality
established and, in this way, the whole world took a sigh of peace and
tranquility in the Noori
Atmosphere established by Islam.
the religious and spiritual spirit will not awake in the leaders of our times
and as long as their intention and heart will not cleansed, they will never
ever be able to show the path of religious and worldly success. But alas! Our
leaders of these days have no Eimaan
over Allah
Almighty and the Abode of the
Hereafter. All that which they do, they do for the sake of this very Dunya
(World). They appear to be a kind of traders. Even incidentally they offer, as
a necessitation of the time, a little temporary or monetary or physical
sacrifice for the nation, they stand as seekers of perpetual pomp and dignity
and the worldly wealth of vast scales as a collective cost of that.
Materialistic (freethinker) Atheist and the ungodly leader can never become a
rightful head and the original savior of the people and his intention can never
become uncontaminated. He wants to loot the whole stuff of the state using a
little personal capital. He is, but, a butcher who has hidden the blade of his
intention in the cover of his heart and has worn the garb of shepherd and
guard. Only that person can be the true leader and the real liberator who bears
on Allah
Almighty and his Holy Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam; he, who has unwavering
on the Day of Decision, Accountability and Retribution and the
Punishment and Reward; he, whose every action should be for the sake of Allah
Almighty. Such person can be the real well-wisher and sincere worker for the
nation. He does not stand as a seeker of anything from the people. He loves not
people for his personal achievements, but loves them for their concern. His
real transaction and the matter of give and take is with Allah
Almighty. He
sells his stuff on the Hands of Allah
and is the wisher of its value and return
from the bazaar of the Next World. He can no worldly greed nor any carnal
concern over the creation.