the Holy Quran, repeats this famous saying of the 'materialistic mind' of the
people of that age:
naught destroys us save time (45:24)

is, time intuitively gives them birth, growth and then death. The Heretics
believe that people of primitive times lived in caves of mountains and hollow
parts of tree trunks like savage animals and wore no dress or they covered
their bodies with leaves or animal hides and as much as they were not equipped
with industry and creativity and material expertise and arts as much they were
plain, unwise and superstitious and were senseless and stupid and the religion
and spirituality is an invention and intuitive collection of false and baseless
thoughts of that superstitious and narrow minded age. It should remain clear
that Allah
Almighty has molded the nature of the human
being in a special mold
of ability since the first day. Physical makeup of the human
has been kept the
same since the beginning of his Creation. His organs, powers and senses have
faced no change as this thing has touched the poles of proof from the study of
four thousand years old Mummies of Egyptian Pyramids that those people were
also the human
beings like us. There is no difference in the shapes and
appearances of those people as compared to the people of this age. Same like
this, the human
heart and brain is same as it was at the time of his beginning.
Yes! This much difference exists that same as the birth of baby and his natural
makeup matches the religion Islam same like this the childhood period of that
age, that is the beginning period of the Ahl-e-Salf, by virtue of the
conformity and matching with the Faith, was naturally more inclined and
attracted towards the religion and spirituality. That is why the people of
ancient times, naturally and obviously, faced towards the original and
essential learning and sciences of the religion and spirituality instead of the
temporal and superficial knowledge and science of matter. Since Allah
has kept only one heart and brain in man as Allah
has not assigned unto any man two hearts within body (33:4)

is Allah
Almighty has not kept two hearts in man that he may think two things
at one time and may gather two conflicting thoughts together. The mixture of
the two conflicting facets and spirits of the Ilm
of Faiths and the Ilm
Bodies naturally creates such complexity and confliction for the human
that successfully dealing with both these becomes impossible for him. Thus, the
essential Ilm
of the religion and spirituality had occupied over the heart and
brain of the people of older times and this Thought of One Creator had made
them Self-Sufficient and rich with no need for the superficial sciences of
matter and they were so much drowned and preoccupied in the Fervor
and Whimsical
Speculation of Allah
Almighty that they had no time idle for paying Attention
and affection to the material progress but instead they had engaged into the
real work that is, Spirituality. They had not any concern for the temporary and
fleeting knowledge and learning about the matter otherwise the Human
Being who
has Lifted the Weight Trust and is the rightful viceroy of Allah
in earth, has
been an astonishing agent of invention since his Creation that he shown those
kinds of his practical and theoretical upshots in every Outwardly
and Inwardly
field of the Realms of the Unseen and the Realms of the Witnessed that even the
Angels have spoke loud acknowledging his achievements. People of ancient times
had faced towards the religion and spirituality which is the brain of every
science and the essence of every skill instead of facing towards the peel of
matter, that is, the superficial sciences and same as the cash lovers, narrow
sighted and the exterior loving Europeans of this time have devoted their dear
life and all sources for the analysis of matter and scrutiny of physical
sciences and are flying over the highest sky of matter with this development.
Similar to this, compliant to nature, the foreseer men of understanding and
wisdom of the ancient times had employed their hearts and brains in the one and
necessary aim of life and the one and only objective and quest of human
existence that is, the Marifat, Qurb
and attainment of their Real Creator.