Really many regrets! Those people who do not even know about their own Eimaan
even, he is considered the Avatar of Hazrat
Ali Karam
and a Prophet, Mujadad (Renewer) and Missiah, Mo'ood (promised one) and Krishan
etcetera, true in evey baseless claim and the rightful. We should feel much
regret for such a wisdom.
the value and worth of pearl and flint is equal,
air and the (healing) blow of (breath of) Esa Alaihis-Salaam
are equal,
When the sense of smell of people cannot distinguish between fragrance and foul,
the dung of cow and Ambergis are all equal.

has proved himself a very cunning and lethargic and is willing in getting ease
in every job. Every religion and nation experience the times of ebb and flow of
progress and downfall and when the period of decadence of a nation starts, its
peers and older persons become uncertain and with weaker belief. That time,
this nation splits into two groups. One is that which starts practicing the
religious fundamentals as mere formality and custom. These people consider just
verbal declaration and a limited physical exercise and a negligible monetary
sacrifice as a sufficient price for the eternal Eden and the Marifat
and Didaar
of Lord
and become
very hopeful contestants and purchasers of the priceless Garden in lieu of this
meager service but, since, the outermost layer of the religion is felt not
sweet and distasteful instead, and they do not get any lasting taste and growth
in it, therefore, they gradually and slowly become fed up with it at the end or
follow religious practices just as Riya
and ostentation only and, yet further,
they focus on the worldly benefits in performance of their religious duties
too. Distinctive trait in such people is this that suspense is their eye and
heart is dominated by the substance of 'ifs and buts and why and how'. Their
eye is very much faultfinder. These people consider the Holy Prophets, and the
Respected Aulia-Allah
and all the Saints of Religion as equal to them. None is taken superior to
themselves by themselves.
they always see the Religious Guides and Spiritual Leaders through the
spectacles of suspicion and bear vindictiveness and enmity for them and they
either deny the Miracles of the Holy Prophets and the Kashf
and Karamaat
extraordinary spiritual performances of the Aulia or give their extremely
unfair explanations in material background. Since, religion and its practice
has reached us through the means of these Sacred Personalities like Messengers
(of Allah) and Aulia, therefore, respect and honor for these saintly persons is
correlated with the respect and honor for religion. When these people see the
founders and propagators of the Deen
with the scorning eye, they, without a
reason, also start taking this Deen
light and trivial and slowly and gradually
such scorn and hatred takes the shape of denial of the Deen
and pushes them in
the trench of Kufr
and atheism. The beauty of thought is, since, dominating
upon the other sect, they start giving much appreciation to even a small thing
without a reason. Their eye sees the beauteous corner of everything and they,
therefore, are ready to accept and admire a thing even if it was going totally
against wisdom and understanding. These people consider the religious leaders
and spiritual guides as the sole authoritarians of the Outwardly
and the
treasures of the Deen
and the World and take them as the only
treasurers and contractors of the Paradise and all bounties concerning the Next
World. That is why, they turn to be the unshakable supporters for them in the
supposition and pride of their intersession and recommendation and focus not
upon practicing all religious fundamentals and feel themselves independent from
the entire religious constraints and formalities and rather become courageous
in those activities which fall in the list of evil and forbidden in wake of the
pride of intercession and recommendation. Taking advantage of their weakness,
Satan, makes them captives in the net of those Ulema
who do not practice upon
their Ilm
and those Shaikhs which are fake and since, the said Ulema
and Sheiks
hunt Dunya
(World) behind the curtain of Deen
, therefore, such fake trader
like Pir
give their people Untrue consolations and arouse in them false hopes
in order to win their hearts and make them their strong devotees.