should be kept in mind that the Zikr
of eyes that is, the Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
is the superior one in the Azkaar
and dependence of all the Salook
and Marifat
is on this because the purpose of the birth of the creation and of the
beginning and the original intent and objective is just the Worship, Marifat,
and Didaar
of Allah
created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship
Me (51:56)
that they might identify Me.
] Because
the objective and purpose of the Worship
is attainment of Marifat
of the Holy Prophet of Allah Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam)
God!] Glory be to You! We could not attain unto
Your Marifat
up to
that level to which it should have been! [O God!] Glory be to You. We could not offer as much Worship
to You as You (really) deserved!
of Allah reported by
the Holy Prophet of Allah Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam)
[Allah Almighty
says:] I had been a
hidden treasure. Thus, I desired that I should be identified. Therefore, I created the creation [for
My Marifat
the original intention and objective of the Creation and Beginning of the
humankind is decided for the Marifat
and Identification and the finest and most
reliable tool and means for the congintion and identification is eye and
eyesight and the identification of a thing is accomplished through seeing it.
Other organs and senses are imperfect and weak devices. Therefore, the Zikr
Eye is the superior most, the higher and the nearmost towards Allah. The Zikr
of Ain
(Eye) is the Ain
of Azkaar
and this alone is the means of Marifat
of the Didaar
of the Provider Almighty. Allah
Almighty has resembled
His Words often with Zikr
or Eyes (Basair).
Almighty says: Proofs
have come unto you from your Lord, so whoso sees (6:104)
Almighty says: This
(Quran) is intuition (and insight) from your Lord (7:203)
Almighty says: This
clear indication for mankind (45:20)
He has declared one's avoidance from Zikr
as blindness.
Almighty says: But he
who turned away from remembrance of Me, his will be a narrow life (20:124)
it is clear that the Zikr
through Ain
(Eye) is the Ain
(the essence). Thus,
through Inscribing and Embossing the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat ) inside him through
and Tafakkur
, the Zikr
by effecting on the real marrow and the Inwardly
Personality of the human being, makes it Living and Wakeful (and enlightened).
And, in this way, perhaps the Zikr
is focused upon its real Station.
by exercising Zikr
through other methods, the Zaakir
remains far away from its
real and original intent. Thus, the real purpose of the Zikr
is opening the
Eyes. And when the Inwardly
Eyes of the Zaakir
are open, his Marifat
correct and he becomes the Kaamil
Arif. The fable of elephant and blinds fits
on those who possess other senses. It is said that some blinds were sitting at
a place that an elephant came there. Desire to identify the elephant rose in
those blind persons, all gathered around the elephant, and started discovering
it fumbling on its skin. He, whose hand was on its back, he cried: 'it is like
a wall'. Other whose hand was on its leg, he said 'no you are wrong but the
elephant is like a pole and post'. Third person touched its ear and said 'you
both are mistaken but it is like a huge fan'. As many talks that much tongues!
Each blind established an incorrect idea based upon his imperfect judgment and
denied the rest and the identification of the elephant took the situation of a
dispute and quarrel. Same as this, the original reason of the steering away
from Haq
(Truth) and the existence of the neglectfulness in all religions of
world is the Inwardly
Almighty says: Whoso
is blind here will be blind in Hereafter
who is wrongdoer in this world, will rise with bad end in the Next World,
is impossible that a blind person will wake up from dream as the one, who can
Almighty says: For
indeed it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts, which are
within the bosoms, that grow blind (22:46)
You consider the seventy-two Factions of the religion all disable in their
battle of discord,
they have not seen the face of reality at all, but have just chosen the way of confabulation.