
if we skip one Laam
from this Name Allah
, we get Elaha
which is also Name of Lord
and the manifold forms and parts of this Name like Haali
, Laahi
had been the Names of Lord
in different languages and periods as it has been recorded in the previous
scriptures that concerning Hazrat
Esa Alaihis-Salaam
(Jesus Chirst)
that these words were the last words on his Cross:
? that
is, O Allah! O Allah! Why have you released me?
Thus, the word
was used in the meanings of Allah
in that time and if the
mysteries of all of the letters of alphabet in this word
, Haa
, Laam
) are
explained in detail, a separate archive would be needed to keep this detail. In
short, there are thousand mysteries in its Alif
and in its Laam are the Anwaar
of the Alif
Laam Meem
and Doubtless
Scripture and the Realm of
Unseen and in Haa is the Huwiyyat
of the Essence
and the Hidayat
of the Qurb
Didaar. Another reason for its being Zaati
(personal) is that every other Name
of Allah
Almighty is related to some particular Caliber
and every Name
implicates upon (indicates) some special Caliber
(Attribute). There remains no
room for any other Caliber
in it besides it itself. Thus, we pray Allah
for our
need calling Him with that Name of Caliber
which matches our prayer like Yaa
Raheem (the All Merciful), be merciful on me! Or O Razzaaq
(the All Provider
)! Grant me sustenance! Or
O Muiz (the All Respectful)! Grant me respect! Or O Ghaffaar (the All Forgiving)!
Forgive me for my sins! Or O Aleem (the All Knower)
! Grant me knowledge! And
we never say like this that O Aleem (the All Knower)
! Grant me sustenance! Or O Razzaaq
(the All
)! Grant me
knowledge! However, the Name Allah
is the all inclusive in entire Calibers
implicates upon every Caliber
and the help of every Caliber
of Allah
can be sought through this Name.
Allah Almighty
says: And
it is whose help is to be sought in that (predicament) which you describe

is, we can say that 'O Allah! Give me knowledge. O Allah! give me sustenance. O
Allah! grant me forgiveness etcetera. And this Name is used on the occasion of
using any other Name of Caliber