Allah Almighty
says: When
the night grew dark upon him, he beheld a star. He said: This is my Lord. But
when it set, he said: I love not things that set. And when he saw the moon
uprising, he exclaimed: This is my Lord. But when it set, he said: Unless my
Lord guides me, I surely shall become one of the folks who are astray. And when
he saw the sun uprising, he cried: This is my Lord! This is greater! And when
it, set be exclaimed: O my people! Lo! I am free from all that you associate
(with Him). Lo! I have turned my face towards him Who created the heavens and
the earth, as one by nature upright, and I am not of the idolaters (6:76-79)
of his Creator is surging in the human
being by nature since the Day of Azal
and the Noor
of His Name and the Seed of His Zikr
has been kept in his
disposition and instinct since the First Day and in case this internal capacity
and Inwardly
Ability did not preexisted in the human
being, (We seek refuge in
Allah) it would have proven an open tyranny of Allah
Almighty calling the
people towards Him through His Messengers. And Allah
Almighty does not put a
burden on any soul beyond its scope. Here the allusion of the wrong thought of
the Naturists and Dehri
people totally exposes who say that the base of the
religion and the worship and adoration of Allah
Almighty takes its roots from
fear and the idea and conviction of the Life after Death and the Baqaa
of Ruh
takes birth from his shadow and the reflection of the human
it is totally wrong but instead the very nature and make of man itself is the
first motivator for the religious conviction and spiritual thinking whereas the
Fear and Hope are the indispensable outcomes of the natural movement of the
Certainty and the Eimaan
on God Almighty.
as Allah
Almighty realized this natural demand and the likely thirst of His
creation, then by His Mercy and Affection, He chose some Selected Special
Persons from His creation and sent them as the Guides and Leaders for the
Creation like a manifest of His Ability and made the people aware of His
and Calibers
and Names by means of these Messengers (of Allah) and
showed the people the knowledge of His Name and Sign. Thus, from time to time,
Almighty sent different Prophets and Messengers (of Allah) to people in
different times as Allah
verily has shown grace to the believers by sending unto them a messenger of
their own who recited unto them His revelations, and caused them to grow, and
taught them the Scripture and wisdom, although before (he came to them) they
were in flagrant error (3:164)
a dissimilar dealing with every man is differing with His Ability and Wisdom,
therefore, a formula and rule has been set that Allah
Almighty sends a Kaamil
Being for Guidance and Hidayat
after illuminating him with the Noor
and brightening him with the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
. Thereafter, He lights
thousands of lamps from his Noor
and in the soil of the heart of a Kaamil
Able Person, He, beforehand makes the natural Seed of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
lush green through His Kaamil
Ability and when that grows in the shape of a
well grown and well sized Sacred Tree, He grows more millions of Noor
through the Fruits of the Sacred Tree and cultures a complete lush green and
healthy Garden of the Guardian Faith.