in front of Adam Alaihis-Salaam
, though, apparently was
a disapproved form of Shirk
and actually was like a very bitter and sour syrup
for the models of Ilm
and Worship
(and obedience) like the Angels are but since
this syrup proved like panacea for the disorder of vanity and Self-conceit.
Thus, acknowledging the Prescription of This Wise Doctor of Azal
, the wise and
foresighted Angels drunk this bitter and unpleasant syrup of abjectness and
after closing their eyes and making their heart enduring and got rid of
this fatal disease of arrogance and egotism.
a thousand books are under your armpit,
what will your Kaafir
Nafs do with these books?
You should not just lay your head alone on earth in prostration,
should lay that thing on earth in prostration which you keep in your mind!
became accursed by not prostrating himself before Adam
he became a determined enemy of the children of Adam
by making them astray.
said: Then, by Your might, I surely will beguile them every one (38:82)

first of all, he inclined Adam Alaihis-Salaam
towards the Shajra Tul
Khalad (Tree of Immortality) of the Self in the Garden in wake of which 'self'
and 'sensuality' aroused in him and the start of this was like this that in the
very first stage when the body frame of Adam Alaihis-Salaam
was being created in the Paradise, the Angels humbly asked Allah
that what He
was creating. Allah
Almighty replied them He was creating one of His viceroys.
This was time when Satan
started burning in the blaze of envy and jealousy as
he thought himself to be become the viceroy. Satan
approached near that body
and gazed upon it. When he ascertained the novel and queer structure of Adam
and noticed his greatness, because of jealousy and sensuality, he spit on his
body frame.
spit of Self-conceit and self-adoration fell on the navel point of the body
frame of Adam Alaihis-Salaam
due to which the
foundation of the Nafs
was laid there and from this place a link and relation
of the children of Adam Alaihis-Salaam
established with Satan
and the seed of astray was sown in the body of Adam
Thereafter that day, the Arsh
e Mualla was revealed of Adam
In this state of Kashf
, the Kalimah-e-Tayyeb
Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu
was seen by Hazrat
on the balustrade (shank) of the Arsh. He humbly asked Allah
that it was who
whose name was with His Name. Allah
Almighty replied that this is the name of
the Last Prophet Muhammad
who will be of your
progeny and will be My Beloved Friend
and that he will be the Guide and Overlord
of all Messengers (of Allah) and their people and will be the Interceder of all
these on the Day of Decision. At this instant, Satan
aroused the sense of his
sensuality and emulation in him and casted this whim and suspicion in his mind
that how unfair it would be that the son is being made the Interceder of the
father. In short, here took birth the elements of devilish jealousy, selfness,
emulation and Self-conceit in the body of Adam Alaihis-Salaam
and outcome of this was the establishment of the (Ontological) existence of the
in him which was made by Satan
his abode, resting place and ambuscade.
From this ambuscade, he strayed Adam Alaihis-Salaam
by misguiding him about the false 'self' and the Tree of Eternity due to which
ate the fruit of the Forbidden Tree and was exiled from Paradise. Since Allah
Almighty needs the test of His creation, so He reprieved Satan
till the Day of
Resurrection and accompanied him by a very big supporters and army equipping them
with every weapon of making the people astray of which the most effective
weapon is of 'selfness' and 'Self-conceit' which is the original prehistoric
weapon with him using which he is very expert. This same ego and I-ness were
first the cause of his own disorientation and curse and now he fires these same
poisonous arrows on every human from his ambuscade whispering in his mind that
'there is none who is equal to you'.