this hot demand for the lines of Faqar
and Dervish
and the everlasting dignity
and lordship was seen by the people of later times (Ahl e Khalf), they ran for
it only for the sake of worldly benefit and pomp and dignity. Since the
truthful Saalikeen of the past times were the true models of loving and being
loved. Therefore, every shade of their stature, each word
of their speech so
much so that even their specific raiment of Tasawvuf, that is, coarse jute mat,
jute body cover and each yarn of this jute (or coarse woolen material)
demonstrated their 'loving' and rosary, wooden stick and prayer carpet and
Islamic cap were considered the labels and sign boards of sanctity. People of
later stage who were showy, schemers Sufis and false Faqeers
became traders
(putting the said labels and signboards on their pretention) and earned great
worldly benefits through this and they were shrewd enough to exploit the plebs
and ate them like vultures. However, lie lasts not long and the reality of
falsehood and guile is exposed at last. Thus, their schemes and frauds exposed
on society and their secret lasted not long. Stink and pong of their deeds and
conditions leaked before everyone.
much respect and reverence for the Kaamil
and True Saalik
Sufi that one
can would be insufficient if he gets them by chance in the world. One should
not spare his life and possessions in their service. Dust under their blessed
feet should be made the Kohl of one's eyes. Their rights supersede every other
right and all other rights are paid in their rights as these are those people
who unite a person with Allah
and the Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam and make him the favorite
and accepted in their Courts.
of the welfare of Worlds and the treasure troves of all quarters are in their
hands. On that fortunate person they cast their Gaze
(Nigah) of Condescension
(with complaisance) and munificence, they make him all rich and blessed in both
the religion as well as in world and in this way they pay the rights due to
those who deserved the rights.
you desire the real ache of heart, serve the Faqeers
this is the jewel you will not find in the treasures of kings,
enquire about these rapt in jute raiment, if you have interest, see them,
are sitting hiding their 'luminous hand (like miracle of Musa)'
inside their sleeves.
Muhammad Iqbal]
offices of Caliphate and Imaam, that is, leadership for state, religion and
spiritualism are important and vital in Islam and no institution can progress
and continue without a leader, guide and chief. Moreover, national life cannot
last and progress without these. In short, the presence of a perfect man is
like the center of every area of human life on the existence of him this area
lives and moves on as a wheel revolves round the axel. In every sphere of life
the need of a guide and leader is as necessary as engine is necessary to run the
vehicle. In order to keep the Muslims joined in the thread of Islam, Eimaan
Faith and Irfaan, the Waseela
(a way of approach) and means of a Kaamil
is as vital as is the chord of the rosary beads vital in order to keep the
prayer beads united in one chain. 'And hold fast, all of you together, the
cable of Allah
(3:103) '. The 'cable' here hints for this said
Waseela, that is, a Kaamil
Mard who is the similitude of cable. Hold fast this
cable and part not from each other. Offering Assalaat
(Prayers) in Congregation
has been so much emphasized for this reason that the congregation displays 'And
hold fast, all of you together, the cable of Allah
(3:103) by following
instruction the Imaam
who leads the Prayer.
Almighty says: And
all things We have kept in a clear register (36:12)