in this way, he makes the people uncertain and doubtful about the Saints of
Religion and the Guides of the Serene Faith. First, the fatal germ of the
jealousy and selfness and superiority ruined Satan
concerning to his self and
then he entered this fatal venom in the body of Adam Alaihis-Salaam
arousing his hostility and resentment concerning Muhammad
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam in the shape of self-conceit
and drove Adam Alaihis-Salaam out of the Garden and
entered him in the life prison of the world thereafter and these same lethal
germs of self-conceit and Self-conceit and jealousy continued to survive in
from generation after generation in the progeny of Adam
and as a result thereof, the harmful (and insidious) Kuffaar
irreligious Mushrik
blindfold by jealousy remain doubtful and uncertain about the Messengers (of
Allah) and the Aulia-Allah till the Day of Doom in wake of this same
inborn jealousy and ego. Thus, Hazrat
Adam Alaihis-Salaam
wept over his mistake for years in this world. It is said that then when his
good days came, the Arsh
of Allah
again revealed unto him and he remembered the
Words of Allah
Almighty when he saw the Kalimah-e-Tayyeb
Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolu-Allahwritten on the balustrade (shank) of the Arsh
and, thus, he got a golden chance of seeking forgiveness of Allah
That moment, due to the fear of the fire of the Allah
Almighty's violence and
Glory and due to his confession of his mistake and the regret and penitence
thereto, some germs of the selfness and egoism had already burnt and some were
released in shape of the tears shed by his eyes. Here, he casted away the
mantle of Self-conceit and egotism and put on the humble raiment of humbleness
and abjectness and after laying his head on ground in prostration, he humbly
requested Allah
Almighty that 'O Allah
Almighty! In the reverence of Your Beloved Friend whose blessed name You have Written on
the shank of the Arsh
, grant me Your Forgiveness!
Almighty says: Then Adam received from his Lord words (of revelation), and He
relented toward him. Lo! He is the Relenting the Merciful (2:37)
the Waseela
of Hazrat
Muhammad proved to be Touchstone for testing the ego in
Adam Alaihis-Salaam the same way as the test
of the ego in the Angels was done through the Waseela
of laying their heads
with reverence and respect in prostration before Adam
the test of the ego in the entire Aulia-Allah was done by their bowing of heads humbleness
and abjectness in front of Hazrat
Mahboob e Subhani, Qutab
e Rabbani, Ghaus
Samadani Hazrat
Shaikh Muhyiddeen Sayyed
Sirru-hul Aziz) by
abiding by his truth revealing saying 'this foot of mine is on the neck of every
Wali-Allah' because the ego and God can never stay at
same place. There are multiple fighting sites and ambuscades inside the body of
a person. Thus, the abode of the Nafs-e-Ammara
and Self (ego) is navel. Second
secret site is on the left side of the heart which is for Khannas
which is
virtual depraved children of the Satan. Thus, the poison of haughtiness and
Self-conceit is spread in the heart of a person by Satan
through his malignant
son Khannas. The base of the accursed Khannas
is also through the semen of 'Mann'
(I) and the malignant sperm of ego and Self-conceit of 'I am better than him
(7:12)'. Its sample shape is like elephant and when
it injects is long trunk of Khartoum
and the elongated nose filled with the
germs of arrogance and superiority in like mosquito in the heart of a person, he
is suffered with that fever of devilish haughtiness and ego like the helpless
and the drum of 'I (Pharaoh) am your lord the highest (79:24)' beats
and it does not understand the reality of the Aulia and the Saints and even of
the Messengers (of Allah). In short, this bloodthirsty enemy of Azal
the human being with the knife of 'superiority' and 'I'.
speaks 'Main Main' (I, I) and gets slaughtered,
speaks 'Na Main' (not I) and is liked by all.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? HADIS
(Saying of the
Holy Prophet of Allah
Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam)
who eulogized his Muslim
brother in front of him, it is as if he slaughtered
him without a knife.