The Nafs e Ammara has been mentioned at 12:53 in the Holy Quran. He whos Nafs is Kaafir his trait is also of a Kaafir and Zunnaar; he keeps sincerity with the Dunya (World) and the Kuffaar only. This Nafs-e-Ammara is brigand. It always inclines its possessor towards sinfulness and teaches him the things that are opposed to Shariyat. The Nafs-e-Ammara and Ammara is called that one which always inclines its lord unto sinfulness and teaches him the things that are opposed to the Shariyat and it never becomes contrite. This Nafs-e-Ammara is kept by all the Kuffaar and the Faasiqeen (abominable persons) (P54 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd). For specific meanings and more details please also see P23 Muhabbat ul Asraar P26 Majalisa Tun Nabi P11 Kaleed e Tauheed P53 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd P07-P08 Kaleed e Tauheed P02 Asraar ul Qadiri P108 Jamey ul Asraar P37 Emir ul Konain P78 P91 Ain ul Faqar P34 P84-85 P175 P302 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. Please also read P105-106 (P53) of Irfaan-II of Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammad Sarwari Qadiri Rahmatullah Alaihi.