the book titled Tazkira Tul Aulia, it has been recorded that one-day caliph
Haroon Ur Rasheed said to Fazal Barmaki that 'take us to some Mard of God as
our heart has become fed up with the worldly glare and the headache of the
affairs of the state. May our heart find some peace if I spend some time for
Allah Almighty'. Fazal took him to the threshold of Sufyan Ainihi
Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe and knocked at the door.
Hazrat Sufyan Ainihi Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe
asked 'who is there?' He replied that the Emir of the State has the honor to
come at his door. Hazrat Sufyan Ainihi Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala
asked 'why is this that I have not been informed beforehand that I might myself
visited your place'. When Haroon Ur Rasheed heard this, he said 'this is not
that Mard for which I asked for'. Sufyan heard this and said 'if you are
seeking for a Mard of God, take him to Fazeel Bin Eyaaz
Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe'. Both went to the
cottage of Shaikh Fazeel Bin Eyaaz Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala
Hazrat Shaikh Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe
was reciting these verses of the Holy Quran at that time.
do those who commit ill deeds suppose that We shall make them as those who
believe (45:21)
said if I needed advice, this verse was just sufficient to me. This verse
worked the lash of caveat on the heart of Haroon. He knocked at the door and
Hazrat asked who was on the door. He replied 'the Emir of State'. Hazrat
replied 'what is the use of the Emir for me and what I my use for him. Let me
remain undisturbed and do not waste my time'. Fazal Barmaki said that the king
of Islamic State has some right over the people of his state. Hazrat replied
that he should not be bothered. Fazal Barmaki insisted for entrance to his
cottage either through permission or through order. Hazrat replied that they are
not allowed to come in and if they can come in by force it will be your own
choice. Haroon entered the house and Shaikh put off his oil lamp lest he should
see the face of Haroon. Haroon went ahead in dark and incidentally his hand
touched the hand of the Shaikh and the Shaikh said 'How soft this hand is. Would
that it remained safe against the fire of Hell!'.
this he Intended for Assalaat (Prayers) and became busy in offering it. Haroon
started weeping and humbly requested him to say something. Hazrat Shaikh, when
had said Salaam to conclude Assalaat, said that 'your grandfather had demanded
rule of some area from the Holy Prophet of AllahHazrat MuhammadSal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam and he had replied that he gives him Talqeen to become the
ruler and Emir over his Nafs'. That is, he orders him to make his Nafs
compliant to the obedience of Allah Almighty as this thing is better in his
favor than the rule and justice of a thousand years on the creation. The offices
of Emir and Ruler will be a source of repentance and shame for the entire
rulers and Emirs on the Day of Judgment. Haroon requested him to
advise him more. He said 'when Umar Bin Abdul Aziz was given throne, he had
told Saalim Bin Abdullah and Ahyaa Bin Hayaat and Muhammad Bin Ka'ab etcetera
that he felt him encountered against a tough ordeal and a great test. Tell me
some way out and the easiest scheme to carry this out. Old person among them
told him that 'O Emir! Strategy is this that consider the elders of your
subjects like your parents and the youth like your brothers and the kids as
your kids. Haroon started weeping badly and requested him to advise him more.
He said 'I fear your beautiful face would become ugly and hideous on the Day of
Resurrection because of your ill deeds because many Emirs will be imprisoned
there'. Haroon started crying and requested him to reveal upon him more. He
said 'Fear Allah Almighty and remain ready and alert for the Accountability on
the Day of Decision because Allah Almighty will held you Answerable for the
case of each Muslim in your state and will Demand your justice for every subject.
If a single person in your domain sleeps unfed at night, he will hold your
collar tomorrow.