much of the Anwaar
of Almighty Haq
come in the human body and his container
that much capacity and ability it has to contain it.
tasks not a soul beyond its scope (2:286)

the makeup of all the earlier Prophets was the Ability and Capacity of the
Names of Calibers
and their Anwaar
were of Calibers. Therefore they had the
power and ability to bear the Anwaar
of only the Names of Calibers
and they did
not possess the power and Taufeeq
to endure and face the Noor
of the Essence.
The Personal Noor
of Allah
Almighty uses to show its glory at the times of
and Liqaa
and same as at the time the sun has arisen, the light of the
stars and moon becomes nil, same like this, at the time of the sight and glory
of Liqaa
of the Highness of the Essence, the Anwaar
of the stars of the Names
of Actions and the moons of the Calibers
used to extinct and nil. That is the
reason that to none of the Prophets and Messengers (of Allah) was honored with
the Martaba
of the Didaar
and Beholding except the Holy Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
. Although some had great
longing for Beholding Lord and Allah
Almighty shone His little Tajalli
to them
matching their capacity but even then they could not maintain their
consciousness and presence at the times of the display of the Tajalli
of the
of the Essence. However, since the Noor
of the Holy Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
was Personal (Zaati) and
blessed eyes were
brilliantly coated with the Personal Noor
of the Kohl that turns not aside, he,
rode the Swift Burraaq of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
and saw the Personal
Beauties of Allah
Almighty and was greeted with the Personal Liqaa
and this was
only him
become the honored and
the distinct having the opportunity of seeing the Personal Great Revelations of
Almighty and Personal Uloom
and Introduction through the eyeglasses of
the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
in the Night of Mi'raaj (Ascension).
(Hazrat) Musa lost his consciousness by just a Ray of the Caliber,
see the precise Essence
and still smile!

as the childhood of the human being is in accordance to Islam, same as this,
the childhood of the history, that is, the early period was in accordance to
the religion and spirituality. Therefore, all Holy Messengers (of Allah) were
sent in that period and the Aulia-Allah
and spiritual personas were in great
numbers. That is the reason that the virtuous saintly persons were naturally
and by birth were convinced by and were cordially inclined to religion and
spirituality. As the human being grows, Satan
disfigures his religious capacity
and Islamic nature so much so that he badly distorts it by the time the human
being reaches the age of maturity. Same like this, as the time passed, Satan
kept on captivating and enchanting the people by the alluring decorating the
calf of the gold-and-silver
like the Samiri (magician) and by this tactic, he
kept on depleting the remembrance and love of Allah
Almighty from their minds
and hearts up to the extent that, though, the ear of this day feels civilized
and well materially equipped but it has almost totally deteriorated in sense of
ethics and spirituality and people are leading the physical existence like
cattle. What other clear argument can be for 'being the religion natural' that
in those day of ignorance and darkness when the Messengers (of Allah) had not
been sent and the people were totally unaware of the Essence
and Calibers
Names of Allah
Almighty, the thought of their Creator Lord and the Rightful
Deity of Worship
knocked at them naturally and unintentionally but due to the
lack of intuition (and insight) and knowledge, the people steered away from the
real location, that is, the Essence
of Almighty Haq
. Since they lacked the Eyes and the Noor
had not reached them, they striving for it haphazardly in the dark like
blinds and in that thing where they senesced the reflection of the Glory and
Lordliness of Allah
Almighty, they started prostrating themselves in front of
it, worshipping it as a deity.