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Irfan (Volume 1) IRFAAN 1


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The Worship of Allah, Obedience and the Zikr Fikr becomes the potency and power of such chaste angel-like human beings. Some extraordinary special Akhas (more than special) human beings progress even ahead than this and leave the Angels behind in the Inwardly Maratib. Allah Almighty illuminates such Kaamil Arifeen through His Anwaar and breaths in them His special Ruh (Spirit). The Salikeen with such Selective Prosperous Bodies become the Legitimate (and permissible) Viceroys of Allah Almighty on the face of earth and are called the Deputies of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam and the humankind the children of Adam Alaihis-Salaam in real sense. Angels bow in their esteem and respect them.


Allah Almighty says: and have breathed into him of My spirit, you (should) fall down, prostrating yourself unto him (15:29)


This is important Station that how the human being reaches far aside place passing through the gradual Inwardly circumstance and abstract conductions. That is, from Jamaad (inanimate) to Nibaat (animate), from Nibaat to Haiwaan (animal), from Haiwaan to Insaan (Human ) and after reaching the Station and Destination of the Angel of the Beneficent, he ascends even further high. This same spiritual progress and Inwardly conduction has been narrated by Maulana Room Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe in these words in his Masnavi:


When I Destroyed (Fanaa ) in Jamadaat (realm of inanimate), growth started in myself (by Baqaa ),

When this growth destroyed (Fanaa ), I entered the kingdom of animals (by Baqaa ),

Then the animal basics Destroyed (Fanaa ) and I became a human being (by Baqaa ),

I do not fear any loss has happened after so many Destructions (Fanaa ),

I will, when, Destroy (Fanaa ) in all powers of humankind,

 So that the angelic wings and limbs should appear on me (by Baqaa ),

Then again when the angelic calibers will face Destruction (Fanaa ),

I will achieve that Station (by Baqaa ), which is beyond the scopes of thought and imagination!

[Jalal ud Din Rumi]




The aforesaid height is achieved by the Saeed virtuous, holy and sacred Spirits but contrary to this, the unblessed Impure (unholy) Shaqee Spirits since Azal get the inverse progress and they become cattle from human and Satan form cattle but even worse. Hence, in human being, both capacities of goodness and vice are present and he has been subjected a very heavy trial (of Allah to test his faith) and test. Very fortunate is that person who becomes successful in this test.


At times, the Angel puts our chastity on airs,

And at times, even Satan feels shame on our impurity,

When we will enter grave along with intact Eimaan ,

Then our agility and cleverness will be laudable.

[Abu Saeed Abul Khair]


We now quote here some observations and experiments of some well-known Spiritualists of Europe in support of our aforesaid various stages of development of the human beings. With these, satisfaction will be gained by those science-stricken minds which are greatly impressed by the Western cult that which we are describing here is correct and valid in the light of every two wisdoms and records, tact and narrations and knowledge of interior and knowledge of posterior. Recently, the Spiritualists of Europe have discovered a new wave of the electricity of life which in their terminology is called Aura. And it is an invisible round circle of the electricity of life which is surrounding everything. Renowned Scientists of Europe have accepted it. Thus, in the faculty of the Clairvoyance of the Spiritualism, that is, in the modern science and in the faculty of the Roshan-Zamiri (Enlightenment of heart or Clairvoyance), the Aura, that is, the ring of the electricity of life is seen clearly and Outwardly. They tell that Aura of nonliving, plants, cattle and human being is different with unique color. Its detail is quite lengthy.


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