It means (impetus) Attention. At P07 Taufeeq ul Hidaya it is written that Thus it is found that as compared to spending huge treasure on warfare by thousands armies and deriving magical results through a reliable strategy the Tawajuh and Fikr of a moment of a Faqeer is better than this. This duty has been entrusted to a Faqeer Wali-Allah. For specific meanings and more details please also refer to P10 Taigh e Barhana P14 Didaah Bakhsh Klaan P09-P10-P57 P60 Asraar ul Qadiri P12 P31 Fazal ul Liqaa P33 Kaleed e Tauheed P70 Qurb e Didaar P57 P59 P60 Asraar ul Qadiri P05 Emir ul Konain P87 P88 P97 P125 p254 Noor ul Huda Klaan P169 Haq Numae Noor ul Huda etc. Tawajuh of the Murshid is the companion for the Seeker of Allah (P108 Emir ul Konain). Wajhu is an Arabic word used for face and look and Tawajuh means ?turning your face unto somebody and thinking and caring. In the Terminology of Tasawvuf Tawajuh is name of that thing that when the Murshid-e-Kaamil pays Attention to a Mureed and Seeker by means of his Inwardly Power and Spiritual Taufeeq in order to conduct to him his special Beneficence of Auspiciousness (and Blessing) or Power he gets Istaghraaq in the Visualization of the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) or the Name-Muhammad or the Depth (Kunah) of the Kalimah Tayyebaat and covers the Inwardly Personality of the Seeker in the Noor of this Visualization and delivers him unto his desired aim and point (P170 Haq Numae Noor ul Huda).