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Irfan (Volume 1) IRFAAN 1


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Dr. Mesmer discovered and learned the method of (applying) Tawajuh like that of Islamic Tasawvuf and later he gave it the shade of materialism and used it for curing diseases by referring it with the name of 'animal magnetism'. All that which are in the lap of the Amal e Tanweem or Mesmerism and Hypnotism, it is just the refurbished outline and imitation of the exercises (of preoccupation) with the ordinary Subtlety of the Nafs by the Sufis. The difference, if there is, is this that Tasawvuf is Kaamil whereas Mesmerism is Imperfect; Tasawvuf is Noor whereas Mesmerism is Naar (fire); the face of Tasawvuf is towards Deen (Faith) whereas the face of Mesmerism is towards Dunya (World); the concentration of Tasawvuf is in God whereas the concentration of Mesmerism is in Dunya (World) and its objects.


Satan Jinn and malignant Spirits, sometimes, start living and Stationing in a premises or house and scare in dream or in wakefulness to those people who live there and also bring them grief. There would be no city in the world in which such unseen Subtle Creation does not live in some house or building. Such houses are known are demon-affected or heavy-houses. In Europe, such houses are known as Haunted Houses. Some Jinn are harmless and do not give any harm or grief to those people who are living in that house but instead they safeguard them against the other harmful Jinn. I have myself seen such haunted houses and have found these the abode of Satan Jinn. Some Satanic Jinn and evil Spirits occupy people due to which their health suffers and they fall in incurable ailments. Moreover, besides the physical disorders after a Devil and evil spirit has entered the human body, a bad effect is also brought on his ethics and beliefs. And when the heart and brain of a person has suffered because of their Fiery and Evil Effect, that person becomes mad, crazy and lunatic. Their categories and kinds are different and their traits and words are diverse. One kind of these is that which lives in the buildings and houses of cities. Thirdly there is a faction who lives in graveyards and crematoriums (place of Antyesti or Antim Sanskar for Hindu funerals).




These are the physical Jinn and Devils which part from a person after his death and continue to hover around the graves of such people after their death. These Satanic Jinn often occupy over the bodies of the relatives of the dead person. It is a famous belief in the Hindus that after the death of a person, the dead spirit takes the shape of a demon and possesses the body of someone in his relatives. That is why these people changed their outlook and the way of clothing when a dead body is burnt (cremated). And some Hindu factions changed their appearance up to such extent that they used to shave their heads, beards and mustaches so that the spirit of the dead body must not identify them after becoming a demon and they might remain safe from it in this way.




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