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Irfan (Volume 1) IRFAAN 1


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These foolish people have the deduced the Matchless and Unparalleled and Eternal and Undying Sacred Uncreated Essence of Allah Almighty on their nil and zilch impotent soul of dust which neither has the news of itself nor does it know of the abode and home and family and kinsfolk. The Glorious Entity of Islamic God, far above to their negligent materialistic (freethinking) wisdom and thought, is such an Infinite and the All Surrounding Sublime and Sanctified Entity that there is no room of name, formality, description, language, advent, interior, totality and part, generalization and specialty etcetera and authenticity and gestures there but instead He is free of all estimates and appointments and affixations but rather He is innocent and sublime against constraints and predictions and nominations. What opportunity the dead matter and zilch nature is there! Just one caliber of Ilm of Allah Almighty has been surrounding the entire world and time and has encircled the whole Realm of the Visible and Invisible.


'He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is Knower of all things (57:3)'



'And that Allah surrounds all things in knowledge (65:12)'



And we are the rightful in saying this on the basis of our knowledge and experience that when the Tajalli of this caliber of Ilm of Allah Almighty on the special favorite slaves of Allah Almighty, they use to see the spectacle of the total matter and nature that is the entire creations and the Eighteen Thousand Realms on the palm of their hand and nail otherwise the Pure (holy), Sublime and Holy Essence of Allah Almighty is 'Warael Warasim Warael Wara'. 'Matteraabi Wa Rabbil Arbaab' (What this handful dust and what that Lord of the Lords -a Quotation).


O That Essence which is beyond the scopes of deduction, thought, surmise and Waham ,

And all that which we said, we heard and we read,

All archives were filled with the records of Your Praise and period of life ended,

Yet we could not advance ahead of the very start of Your eulogy!

[Saadi Sherazi]




Even the most extreme irreligious Atheist, if peeps into his conscience and deliberates after discarding his stubbornness and seeing through the spectacles of justice for some time that when he, the talking, walking, seeing, understanding and thinking creation is there then why the Necessarily Existent (Waajib-ul-Wujood ) the Creator of all entities is not existing that the a particle of no importance has affirmation of its existence but that Sun that glow on entire realm is being negated and denied? Tree is known by its fruit. The mania, lust, greed, the melancholia of Dunya (World) and the Jo ul Baqr (insatiable) Demand for pomp and fame has made the human being blind and livestock otherwise there could be no other Hujjat (argument) more powerful and a reason more authentic for the Existence of God the Most High than the very own existence of the human being himself! Someone has said very nice:


My own existence itself is the witness of the Entity of the Almighty Evolver,

This argument of mine is such that can never be rejected for all life.


Even for some days, if some person with whole wisdom and just minded will carefully reflect and meditate in his inner body, he will clearly find out the traces of the Marifat of his Creator Lord, the mysteries of His Qurb and the Anwaar of His Mushahida.


And (also) in yourselves. Can you then not see? (51:21)



He, who identified the Reality of his Nafs , verily he identified his Sustainer.



Further, the irreligious hectic put forth this reason in support of their atheism that when no body of Allah Almighty is seen by them nor is understood the Kunah (Depth) and reality of His Essence nor is seen some definite caliber or visible deed or solid action in the world then why should they believe and bear Yaqeen that if He is present. However, it should be in mind that inability to perceive or identify or feel something is not a reason to ascertain that it does not exist at all. The Aqal e Saleem has not confined the array of Mojudaat (beings) to tangibility and visibility alone but instead all that which the human being has found and identified by virtue of his practical and mental attempt, it is less than a trivial bit of the undiscovered unseen universe.


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