When the heart of the Seeker
becomes Living and his become bright by the Noor
Haq, there remains no room for any doubt or suspicion about his power of sight.
'The heart lies not (in seeing) what it saw (53:11)'
. Heart, which is given
resemblance to the Arsh
of Allah, is hiding in itself a vast kingdom. What will
carnal beings know the dignity and vastness of heart who consider it just a
cluster of flesh? A Hadis
says that when Hazrat
into being, his heart touched the Arsh. Then Hazrat
Gabriel threw a handful mud
on him and he assumed his earthly appearance thereto. In short, this too is a
hint towards the Inwardly
Personality of the Subtlety
of heart. Moreover, in
another Hadis
it come that when a Momin
sleeps while he was doing the Zikr
, a bird takes
birth under the Arsh
e Mualla by the Zikr
of Allah
Almighty who has seventy
thousand heads each containing one thousand tongues in it and that bird does
the Zikr
of Allah
like that Zaakir
with each tongue and its Sawaab
is given to that Momin
This also implies that when a Zaakir
sleeps while he was in state of doing Zikr
verbally or exercises Muraqiba
, then the senses deliver this Zikr
to the
Latifa of the Qalb
because of the abundance of Zikr
and the Zikr
shifts from Nafs
to heart and since tongue along with other senses is
disengaged and disconnected with the Zikr
in states of sleeping and Muraqiba
therefore, the Inwardly
Subtlety of the Saalik
assumes this Zikr
at once in
dream and Muraqiba
and heart starts speaking with the Zikr
of Allah
. hence, that bird which
has been hinted in this Hadis, is the Latifa
(Subtlety) of Ruh
(Spirit). When
this Inwardly
Latifa of the heart onetime says 'Yaa Allah', it earns a Sawaab
and has a degree seventy thousand times more than saying 'Allah' through
tongue. Spirit
has been referred to as such bird that has seventy thousand
heads each head having seventy thousand tongues.
how brilliantly the comparison between the Zikr
of this bird of Lahoot
and the
of tongue has been made in this Hadis, which clearly shows how much
magnitude the former Zikr
has that this Bird of thousands of Tales commemorates
with seventy thousand tongues as compared to one Outward
tongue. That is,
the Zikr
of the Latifa
of Qalb
through the Tongue of the Latifa
of Qalb
seventy thousand times Degrees and Sawaab
as compared to physical tongue and
the Zikr
of the Latifa
e Ruh
has a Sawaab
and Degree seventy thousand times
more than the Latifa
e Qalb
. It is point to ponder that how a comparison has
been made between the Outwardly
Zikr and the Zikr
e Qalb
and Zikr
e Ruh
in the
previously mentioned Hadis. Some blind-eyed carnal people consider such similes
and examples in Verses
and Ahadees
as exaggeration and deception and ridicule
and make fun about these. What will the dense material minded people know the
chaste and comprehensive truth-based system of Allah
and His Holy Prophet
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
? He cries all his life
in curiosity for having more of this Elixir of Life (Aab-e-Hayaat ), who had
been fortune enough having received one drop from it!
! What a kind of
spring this spring of Love is,
I drank one drop from it and had to weep equal to whole river.

another Hadis
like this, it has come that when a Momin
falls asleep while he
was in state of doing Zikr
, a pole under Arsh
quivers and moves due to which
the Greatest Arsh
of Allah
receives vibration and the cry and voice of the Zikr
of that Zaakir
reaches Allah
Almighty and his prayer and request for refuge is
accepted in the Sacred Court of God Almighty. So, this pole also meant the
Pole of heart one end of which is fixed inside the earthly and material
human and other Invisible end touches the Arsh
e Mualla. Hence, when the
Seed of the Nafs
grows into the Tree of Noor
of the Subtlety
of Qalb
it gives seventy thousand but countless fruit resembling the Seed of Nafs
one season.