carries magnanimous vastness, dignity, ability, and Hikmat
in it. Same
as the kernel and quintessence of the life of the earthly body is the Subtlety
of the Nafs
, same as this the original kernel and essence of the Nafs
is the
of Qalb. When this Subtlety
becomes Living in the body of the Seeker
with the Fazal
(Grace and bounty) of Allah
Almighty and the Faiz
of the Murshid-e-Kaamil
, then the Saalik
comes out of the Realm of Nasoot
enters the Realm of Malakoot. The Realm of Malakoot
is so much vast and wide as
compared to the Realm of Nasoot
as is our world vast and wide in comparison
with the narrow and dark womb of our mother. In short, as is the ratio of the
womb of a mother to this material world, the similar ratio is of this material
world to the Realm of Nasoot
and similar ratio is of the Realm of Nasoot
to the
Realm of Malakoot
. Hence, the abode of the Subtlety
of Qalb
is the Realm of
and in this Abode, also live with it the Angels and the Sacred Spirits
of the People of Qalb. Its Station
is Tareeqat. That is, in Shariyat, the
becomes just the one who is of the People of discussions and talks and
the Master of Qeel-O-Qaal
that is, he just relies upon the commemoration and
notes of the Calibers
and Conditions of his Desired One and the Real beloved and repeatedly listening
these, becomes pleased by the promise of the Wasal
and Meeting in the day to
come after death and consoles his heart by the commemorations of the Reward and
Respect from Him, the Garden, Houries
and Palaces of Heaven and sits in world
awaiting for these but in Tareeqat, the Saalik
starts walking towards Allah
Almighty in this very world. That is, the one who is of the People of Shariyat
he is the one who have heard whereas the one who is of the People of Tareeqat,
he is the one who is of the People of the receipt. His Sair
and Chaal (traveling
and way of doing) is Lillah (for Allah) that is, whatever he does, he
does for the sake of Allah
and in such 'Doing', instead of the Outwardly
Physical Actions, he, relies upon the intention of heart and the Hazoor
heart. Intention of heart and the Hazoor
of Qalb
have special importance in
and the Haal
of his Inclination converts into Muhabbat. Color of this
(Subtlety) is yellow and its Zikr
is Laaa-Ilaaha
(there is
none worthy of worship
except Allah) and its Name for Visualization
is Lillah . When the Subtlety
of the
of the Seeker
becomes Living, it breaks the Egg of the Nasoot
and makes
its nest on the Kingra (balustrade) of the Arsh
e Mualla in the Realm of
like the Phoenix of the Sacred Mountain.
of Allah
Almighty, Hymns of His Praise and Exaltation and Recitation,
and the Noor
of the Obedience, Worship
and Deeds of Goodness become its food
and it gets power and ability through it. Its sleep, wakefulness, hunger, and
thirst become one for it. Kashf
and Karamaat
are revealed through the Saalik
this Station
of the Tareeqat
and the Rujuaat-e-Khalq
are encountered by him.
should keep himself hidden and should not be a Khud Farosh at this
otherwise he may lose chance of further ascension and progress in Salook.
Meeting with Angels is experienced by the Saalik
at this Station. He sees the
visiting him from time to time. They give him Ilhaam
and Alaam
of deed of goodness and evil. Whenever someone is going to die with the Order
of Allah, he sees the Angel of Death along with his assistant and helper Angels
coming down from heavens, seizing the Spirit
and taking it towards heavens. He
can ascertain the blessedness or wretchedness of the Spirit
in the manner it
was seized. He, from time to time, sees Angels descending from heavens in
different forms at the times of Zikr
and Recitation
of the Holy Quran.
He meets and shakes hand with Angels who get the food and free share from the
extra-than-needed Noor
of that Living-Hearted
person's Zikr
and Recitation
keeps on visiting his place. Angels make him blissful day and night by their
good tidings and spirituals intimations by which Comfort (and solace)
is got by his heart as
Allah Almighty says: Lo!
Those who say: Our Lord is Allah, and afterward are upright, the Angels descend
upon them, saying: Fear not nor grieve, but bear good tidings of the paradise
which you are promised. We are your protecting friends in the life of the world
and in the Hereafter
