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Irfan (Volume 1) IRFAAN 1


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And becomes the Aamil of the Amal of the Name Rahmaan الرحمن in the Anfus (intangible world) and the quarters of (tangible) world. This is what is called 'Create in you the Akhlaaq of Allah Almighty'! Similarly, when he remembers Allah Almighty with the Name Samee (the All Hearing) السميع or the Name Baseer (the All Seeing) البصير, he becomes benefited with the Caliber of Samee and Baseer of Allah Almighty as per his capacity and capability and he gets the Inwardly (power of) Hearing and Seeing by the Fazal (Grace and bounty) and Ataa (Donation) of Allah Almighty beyond the powers of Outward senses of Hearing and Seeing and he hears the unheard things by means of the Ilhaam and sees the unseen Inwardly Stations and the Unseen Spiritual Events! Other all Calibers (of Allah Almighty) can be imagined like this but when the human being remembers Allah Almighty with His Zaati Name, Allah Almighty sends Self-Disclosure towards that Zaakir with His entire cumulative Calibers and the Zaakir takes the Mushahida of Allah's Personal Anwaar in himself and becomes honored with and distinctive by Allah's Personal Beauty and Mushahida and the body of the Zaakir becomes lit by the Zaati (Personal) Anwaar. This should not be understood by that (I seek refuge in Allah) that Allah Almighty reincarnates inside the body of His Slave (the Zaakir) but instead as the light and heat of sun gets reflected in water or other polished things, though the sun remains on its place, or same as fire is conducted through iron and iron becomes red hot and takes the quality of fire, same as this the Slave adopts from the Anwaar of the Zaat (Essence) and Sifaat and Asmaa (Names) and Afaal (Actions) of Allah Almighty. At this stage, the seeing of the Slave becomes the seeing of Allah, hearing becomes the hearing of Allah and talking becomes the talking of Allah Almighty. In short, that Name with which the Slave remembers Allah Almighty, with same Name Allah Almighty send Self-Disclosure to His Slave and the Tajalli of Allah happens with same Name on the Zaakir. Sign of this is that the same Name of Allah Almighty becomes written and inscribed in the Zaakir in the Noori (of Noor) Letters of the Ability and the Zaakir sees it shining and bright in the sky like a bright shining star like pearl at the time of Ghaibat (absence) and Istaghraaq. The manifest of the Anwaar of the Names in Inward happens as stars and the Anwaar of Calibers are observed like the full moon.




And the Noor of the Zaat (the Essence) shows its beauty like sun. Hence, when some Name of Allah Almighty has been inscribed inside the Zaakir with Noori (Photic) Letters, the Zaakir becomes filled with the Noor and the power of electricity of this Name and brings his effect, action and act on the bodies and the quarters of (tangible) world with the power and ability of this same Name. In such condition, it is said that that a particular person has become the Aamil of a particular Name. For example, when Hazrat Esa (Jesus Christ) Alaihis-Salaam wanted to cure some person ill with leprosy, or crippled or someone mad with evil spirit, he used to do the Zikr or Visualization of the Name Quddoos (the Holy) القدوس of Allah Almighty in his heart and used to attend to and illuminate towards the Caliber of Holiness of Allah Almighty. At that time, Allah Almighty, as per His Promise of 'Therefore, remember Me, I will remember you (2:152)', sent the Tajalli of His Name Quddoos (the Holy) القدوس and the Caliber of Quddoos (the Holy) on Hazrat Esa (Jesus Christ) Alaihis-Salaam and that Noori Form, sometimes, descended from heaven in the form of pigeon. At that time, he used to get filled by the Noor of the Name Quddoos (the Holy) القدوس and since evil spirit has entered the body of a leprous, crippled or lunatic person by which his Outward and Inward make has become distorted and since the Name Quddoos (the Holy) القدوس is against all the Inwardly Malignancies, that is, one is Noor and other is Darkness, one has order of Haq and other of Baatil , therefore, when Hazrat Esa (Jesus Christ) Alaihis-Salaam touched a leprous or lunatic person, the evil and bad spirit used to run away from the body of that that leprous and mad person because of the his power of the Noor of Quddas as always the Baatil Darkness is dispelled by the Noor of the Haq.


Say: Truth has come and the falsehood has vanished away. Lo! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish (17:81)



The fables of his seeing towards sky, that is, becoming attentive towards the Caliber of Quddoos (the Holy) القدوس of Allah, descending of the Ruh ul Quddas in the appearance of a pigeon and his filling with the Ruh ul Quddas and curing those ill with leprosy, crippling and blindness after expelling the evil spirit from them, are mentioned in great numbers in Anajeel and other books of history.


When a Holy Messenger or a Wali desires to see the spectacle of the scene of the Station of the Azal and to visit that place, he becomes attentive to the Name Awwal (the First) الأول of Allah Almighty.


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