the Ability has made the two different creatures of the Realm of the Unseen and
the Realm of the Witnessed the helper and facilitator and needy and the wish
granter for each other and the whole business of both the Realm of the Unseen
and the Realm of the Witnessed are running by virtue of this need and help and
the prosperity of the universe is intact. When Allah
Almighty has appointed the
human being His viceroy, deputy and representative in the world and when an
ordinary person of world is made the ruler, judge or king, a little movement of
his lips or a slight movement of his pen change the destinies of people. Many
person are hanged in execution chambers. Many remain in severe punishments and
extreme pains locked up for years in prisons and dark dudgeons and many others
are those who becomes prosperous and well off through a little and ordinary
favor and gift of the aforesaid men in authority and lead a life of comfort,
luxury and enjoyment for generations after generations. Although, the Order of
is established in the world and not a leaf of a tree can move without His
Permission and Allah
Almighty is Lord and Sovereign of both the Realms of
Unseen and the Witnessed:
He it is Who in the heaven is God, and in the earth is God (43:84)
when appeals for justice, remission and help are made to the carnal rulers,
judges and kings of world, they relieve us and grant us justice and can ease
our difficulties and there comes no implication of Shirk
in this, then when
appeal or request for help is made to some physically alive Saints or some
Oulul-Amar Spiritual People of Grave, that is, the Inwardly
Spiritual Judges, Justices and Rulers, then why some just verbal claimants of
mere Dehydrated Tauheed
start grumbling with great resentment and anger that this
is the only Shirk
and Bidat? Thus, this is the consequence of their
blindness, ignorance and Satanic jealousy with the Saints of Religion and the
haughtiness of the aforesaid people. In reality, these people themselves are
opponent, ill-wishers and enemies of Allah's Doctrine, Religion and
they make those trader-type priests of Islam the tool, shelter and excuse and
grumble and criticize against the whole world of the Spirituality of religion
and ruin their Next World by commenting against and denying the entire Accepted
Ones and the Beloveds of Allah
Almighty. Well, some ignorant, idiot and silly
people fall in prostration before the graves of the Saints of the Religion.
Such act is illegal and unfair in the light of the Code of Shariyat
. However,
there also exists such Jewish natured blindfolded fake Muslims who declare the
pilgrimage to the Holy Tomb of his highness the Overlord of Worlds Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
a Bidat
and Shirk
Saint informed me that once some educated persons from Hindustan accompanied
them on the journey for Hajj. They proved to be good companions and behaved
like brothers and friends till they all were in Holy Makkah. By chance, they
had an opportunity to visit the Blessed Tomb of the Holy Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
in Sacred Madinah prior the
commencement of Hajj. When they returned to Makkah from Madinah, they stopped
greeting them and speaking with them just because that they had offered
pilgrimage on the Sacred Tomb and the Masjid of the Habeeb
of Allah
. Hence, what will be the
Islam and Eimaan
of such hypocrite, jealous blind persons!
as the Rule of the Physically existing Rulers is over our physically existing
bodies of this material world that they can call us in their courts and arrest
us whenever they want and take from us every kind of service they need, same
like this, the Invisible and Spiritual Judges have Tasarruf
and Rule over our Quloob
and Arwah
(hearts and spirits) and this is an acknowledge fact that the body
and physique is in the Tasarruf
of heart
that when our heart
wishes that our
finger should rise, it rises and when it wants that the hand should move, it
moves at once, same like this all the actions and deeds of the body are done at
the will of heart
but heart
and spirit are Invisible Subtlety
of Command. It is
under the Tasarruf
of the Invisible Subtle
Rulers of the Realm of
Command (Aalim-e-Amar ).
is called 'Qalb ' for the reason that it all the times stormy or
returning (Munqalib) and turns every second. For example, when some
civil or criminal case is presented before a Ruler or Judge, during the hearing,
his heart
and its intentions continuously change many ways and this cannot be
ascertained correctly that how will this case be decided by it.