this, I asked them that it has passed about seven thousand years since Hazrat
then how can they be dated prior to his
birth and they replied
that which Adam it was which I was referring to? On this occasion, I remembered
that Hadis
in which it has been said that fifteen thousand Adam have come in
the world. In the same way, the Day of Resurrection has occurred in this world
for fifteen thousand times and a new creation has been created again and again.
There is nothing to wonder in this that different kinds of creatures had been
living on this earth before us as it has been mentioned in the Holy Quran that
the Jinn
had been made come into existence prior to the creation of man in the
world and they had been living on earth.
says: Verily We
created man of potter's clay of black mud altered. And the Jinn
(Jaann) did We
create aforetime of essential fire (15:27)

this Jaann appears to be the Adam of the Jinnaat
that took birth before our
Adam Alaihis-Salaam
and the children Jinn
Devils of this Jaann had been living on earth long time before us the and
Iblees (Satan) was also of the Jinn
was of the Jinn, so he rebelled against his Lord's command (15:50)

and Malaika had seen their bad deeds, corruption
(and mischief) and insurgency
and blood shedding on the face of earth before the creation of Adam Alaihis-Salaam
That is why they pointed this out at the time of the creation of Adam Alaihis-Salaam
place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we
hymn Your praise and sanctify You (2:30)

the issue of the creation of the universe and the creation of the world is very
difficult, complex and intricate and there are different theories of the
scientists, philosophers and expert of the knowledge of bodies regarding it.
However, this is understandable and almost correct to say that ours this earth
has come to existence millions of years ago for sure.
many kinds of creatures have been living on earth before the human beings.
Hence, there is nothing astonishing in it. However, we feel wonder on the
wisdom and understand of those people who limit and downsize the Caliber
Creativity and Formulation of Allah
Almighty and His Eternal Power.
Nevertheless, Allah
is heavy in the heavens and the earth (7:186)
a blessed and fortune is that person to him that All Glorious Sanctified Holy
invites toward Him and offers the Taste of His Name and Word to taste
and honors him the honor of His Marifat, Qurb
, Mushahida , Wisaal
and Fanaa
and Baqaa! O powerless, abject and worthless human being! You
were just nothing. He elevated to existence from non-existence. Yours start is
soil and a drop of impure semen and yours end is the dead and stinky corpse of
grave and then again soil. In between the start to end exists yours this
haughtiness, vanity and arrogance. In such miserable state, your egg is going
to spoil. Yes, however, if you will incubate this imperfect egg with the warmth
of the Pure (holy) Name and the Sacred Words (of revelation) of Allah
you will fly in the Zenith of Sanctity like a Fowl of Lahoot
and Goshawk of
and the Great Arsh
of Allah
Almighty will become its walk place.
there come upon man (ever) any period of time in which he was a thing
unremembered? Lo! We create man from a drop of thickened fluid to test him; so
We make him hearing, knowing. Lo! We have shown him the way, whether he be
grateful or disbelieving (76:1-2-3)

approach unto Allah
Almighty through His Zikr
and getting Life through it and
becoming Alive after achieving His Marifat, Qurb
, Mushahida , Wisaal
and Baqaa
and getting so much great and affluent eternal wealth are
things which certainly deserve thanksgiving and are cause of gratefulness.