Ibrahim Alaihis-Salaam
appeared in the royal
court of Nimrood, the afore-mentioned dialogue and Manazra
took place between
him and Nimrood
which has been briefly mentioned by Allah
Almighty in the Noble
Quran. Nimrood
had claimed the office of deity of worship
in the vanity of his
power and kingship as Allah
Almighty says concerning Pharaoh:
proclaimed: I (Pharaoh) am your lord the highest (79:24)

even this age of light and knowledge, that tradition of king-worship is still
in practice as the people of Japan considered their king to be their god and
the deity of worship
and the Hindus adored Raja Raam Chander Jee the son of
Raja Jasrath of the Ajdhjiya. Whence people of ancient and dark ages had not
heard the Name of Allah
the Only Deity of Worship
with Partner, worshiping a
king appeared to have some motivation and the craze and the melancholia of
being a god used to fully occupy the heart of a king because of his personal
human weaknesses and because of the undue and excess flattering of the people
and the king used to think this that he was really the sustainer and creator
lord of the people and this overwhelming thought had occupied the mind of some
silly persons. That is why some people claim the office of Prophethood and
Messengerhood on the basis of the haughtiness they have just because of a
little aptitude in knowledge and flow in writing. Since the matter of egotism
has been stuffed into the Nafs
of every person naturally and he starts beating
the drum of 'I am your lord the highest' (79:24)
like Pharaoh
as Maulana Room Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaihe
is not less than any Pharaoh
in its thoughts and desires,
had the power to do what he wanted but it has not!

myself saw a person who was totally ignorant like an animal to ride and was
blind by Inward. He introduced himself as Imaam
Mehdi and the Ghaus
of Time
because some stupid people acknowledged his claim and gave him too much respect
and honor. One day, I asked him 'for God's sake tell me if you have ever seen,
in Inward
or Outward, a Jinn, angel, spirit or at least the Satan
in your
entire life'. Since he was blind, therefore, he said 'I am Mast
unconscious about me, therefore, although nothing is seen by me but since I am
everything, sooner all will be seen by me'.
and melancholia of this kind is a natural disease in man and this disease
breaks within him. Therefore, many people, with Inwardly
empty hands, helpless
and vain; often claim such kinds of absurd claims and since there is no
shortage of stupid persons in the world, they declare themselves at least
something extraordinary. Allah
Almighty forbids against such Egotism and
says: therefore
ascribe not purity unto yourselves. He is the best aware of him who wards off
(evil) (53:32)

self-conceit is a grave Kufr
. Nimrood
also claimed to be god. He was really
fallen in whim that all that which was going on in the world, it was being done
under his command although he was uninformed about these things. Therefore, in
the intoxication of this arrogance, he said to Hazrat
Ibrahim Alaihis-Salaam
that 'I am, but, Lord, mentor and god of all of my people but why do you not admit
my lordship. Let me know who else is your Lord other than me?' Hazrat
Ibrahim Alaihis-Salaam
said that 'My Lord is Him who gives birth to people and causes them death'.
said 'I am the one who, gives life and causes death'. Here at this
point, all the People of Tafaseer
have given this poor paraphrase that Nimrood
put forth this argumentum in favor of his claim of giving life and causing
death to people that he killed a living person and left him alive, who deserved
to be killed in order to prove him alive. Nevertheless, there is a huge
difference in Allah's giving life and causing death and excuse of Nimrood
killing and reviving. Further Messenger's considering this false excuse and the
imperfect argumentum acceptable and keeping silent and choosing another
argument of sun, appears to be an open defeat and weakness of a resolute
Messenger (of Allah) that Hazrat
Ibrahim Alaihis-Salaam
chose the way of retreat finding Nimrood's first bogus answer strong and
incontestable and gave a second argument that his Lord 'causes the sun to rise
in the East, so do you cause it come up from the West' and Nimrood
could not
answer and contest this argument, although, there was no reason that Nimrood
should have kept quiet without a counter.