no other way out, at last a Dutch Medium who was expert of Psychometry was
called from abroad and his spiritual services were got so that he could help
the government in finding and getting that stone. Moreover, some tings of the
thieves were left by them in haste which were later found by the Police during
the investigation process in the Church. One of these things was an iron hammer
which was used to break the security of Church, second was the leather case (or
strap) of wrist watch of a person, third was a piece of that stone which split
from the main stone while unfixing and lifting it. That Dutch Medium who was
expert of Psychometry was a outsider for that area and he had never seen London
previously. However, he grasped all the three things left by the stealers one
by one and revealed the following detailed information concerning that stone
through the knowledge of Psychometry.
- Thieves
are five men
- They
have taken that stone in a motor car
- The
number on plate of motor car is ___________
- The
iron hammer was purchased from __________ shop of ___________ Market
- Wrist
watch has been purchased from _________shop of _________ Market
when investigation was done by the Police, really, the hammer and watch had
been purchased from the shops which the Medium had identified and in this way
this expert of Psychometry told exact whereabouts of the stolen stone. This
kinds of incidents are quite common amongst the European Spiritualists of these
days and they have independent departments of Spiritual Sciences and separate
'Churches' are for every kind. Some cure the diseases spiritually. These are
called 'Healing Churches'. Some Mediums are Clairvoyant Mediums. In short,
every faculty has separate department. Every Church has a complete staff
concerning to its activity. There is one President, one Secretary, one Manager,
one Treasurer and one or more than one Medium (of Spiritual Aamil).
person consults that kind of Church where his need and requirement matches and
he books his seat and token there. Every client has to pay some fee in order to
enter that Church and these Spiritualists have made this Spiritual Amal
a big
source of income and they charge handsome fees. Seats are booked one year in
advance in the Churches of well accomplished Mediums and new applicants have to
wait for the seat and number for six months to one year. In short, this
knowledge is quite famous there and its Circles are working every next door and
this Spiritual belief is widely in practice all over Europe and billions of
people are its followers. Well known scientists, philosophers, doctors and
scholars and even the Members of Parliaments are members of such Societies and
Circles. In the Church of Psychometry, that is in the Spiritual Church, there
is a big hall with a big round table in it. On the edges of this table are
fixed pre-numbered small boxes. Those people, who want to know the information
concerning the things they have with them for this purpose, they cover that
thing in a leather bag or envelope of paper and write their number on that pack
and enter that hall and place that pack in a box attached with that round table
and sit in a chair beside that table in the hall. When all the clients have
placed their things inside the boxes of that table and have sit on their chairs,
the Master of Psychometry enters the hall. He come with a spirit haunting over
him and he sits on his chair near that table and picks every envelope or bag
one by one and holds it in his hand and addresses to the audience asking 'whose
is this number' and starts revealing the hidden information related to that
pack telling: