Almighty has the living solid records like moving film of a movie. Hence
every person will be asked to stand amongst the Eighteen Thousand Realms and
Almighty will run the Film of his entire life on His Projector of Ability
and the character and dialogues of his whole life will be seen on the screen of
his body by all the Assembly. That is, whatever good or bad
deed, even of most
small size, which he had done in his life, will be witnessed by all in the same
time and place and exactly in same condition and situation in which he had done
it. For example, if he has done adultery
(and fornication) (Zanaa) with a woman
not in his wedlock, his whole body will be seen doing adultery
fornication) in same time and place (like a recoded movie clip). Hence, O
bondmen of God! be fearful of that disgrace, scandal, humiliation, defamation
and shame on that Day, when the Eighteen Thousand Realms will be the spectators
and you will have to face the ignominy and insult forever. Try to make your
deeds, actions, stature and words better up to the standard of Shariyat
decorate your Outward
and Inward
with the raiment of Taqwa
and the ornaments of
deeds of righteousness so that the Successes and Achievement of ever be earned
by you on the Day of Resurrection.
Dears! Every day you see the films of unreal and fictitious stories and waste
your money earned with a lot of labor and pains and spoil the precious time of
your dear life and earn the Adultery
(and fornication) of Eyes and Abusive
Thinking and Bad
Designs in barter. You might have not thought that a Day will
come when the story of your entire life along with other counterparts with you
with pictures and voice will be projected on the screen of your body in front
of Eighteen Thousand Realms.
should this be not that the hour of this dear life be spent in deeds of virtue
or the Worship
and Obedience of Allah
Almighty so that the Jinn
and mankind and
Angels may appreciate your such heroic character and find part on the Day
of Resurrection and chants of applaud and admiration may rise on that occasion
and Allah
Almighty grant you with those blessings in Return which have never
been seen by any eye, not heard by any ear and thought by any heart. Whenever
we come out of our house, we see our face, clothes and hair many times in
mirror so that there should be no shortcoming in our good looking, dress, face
and appearance and beauty so that we may not feel contempt and disapproval in
the eyes of the people we meet. However, we never think about that Day
concerning which Allah
the day when (some) faces will be whitened and (some) faces will be blackened

Day will be of great opprobrium and abjectness for some while of great respect
and success for some. This small Surah
Az-Zalzalah (99) of the Holy Quran, the
of which (this Faqeer) has presented before you in above page, you
would have not read it in this form. The Holy Quran is rich with and full of
this kind of solid, interesting, Daqeeq
and Deep Truths and (Advanced level)
Learning and mysteries but neither we have time spare to ponder over and
carefully see these things nor do we possess that right understanding and sense
that can grasp these.
This Faqeer
has gone through many books of the Spiritualists of Europe and has
studied their literature in depth and on large scale just for this intention
that I may prove my Quranic Truths by means of these because our religious
reasons and the Spiritual dictums are, but, not given worth by the western
addicted youth of present time saying 'these are but outdated and orthodox
conceptions. There is no room for these things in illuminated minds'.
Therefore, by the study of this literature, we have got opportunities of
expressing our thinking in the language and the way they appreciate which
matches their western thoughts according to their European Guides and Leaders.