says: And every
man's augury have We fastened to his own neck, and We shall bring forth for him
on the Day of Resurrection a book which he find widen open (17:13)
is also present like this that 'when a human being has died and he is
buried in grave, a Rummaan named Angel comes in his grave and
wakes him up in the grave and makes his mouth inkpot and his index finger a pen
and his shroud (of coffin) the page and writes on it all his good and bad
accounts of his life since cradle to grave and folds it like an amulet and
pendulums on his neck which will be presented to him as his Deed Manifest
(Account) on the Day of Resurrection'.
says: This day
We seal up mouths, and hands speak out and feet bear witness as to what they
used to earn (36:65)
as the ode sung by a singer has been recorded in round circles on the Record
Disc of the Gramophone, and when it is played on the Gramophone again, the same
ode or song is heard as was sung at the time of recording; same like this, our
entire deeds, actions and dialogues and character which we display on this
earth and every action which is done by any organ of our body and every human
being or animal with which this action was done, that action leaves its image
on them all as it has been informed in a Hadis
that 'if a man and women commit
the crime of adultery
(and fornication) with each other, they will be presented
on the Day of Decision in this way that the vulva of that woman will be fixed,
stamped and clear on the forehead of that man and the penis of that man will be
hanging on the forehead of that woman'. Moreover, the bad designs, illicit
thoughts and unfair beliefs will also be made subject to Accountability in the
Court of Lord Almighty.
whether you make known what is in your minds or hide it, Allah
will bring you
to account for it (2:284)
says: Knows he
not that, when the contents of the graves are poured forth. And the secrets of
the breasts are made known. On that day will their Lord be perfectly informed
concerning them (100:9-10-11)
same as when the expert of the knowledge of Psychometry, under the influence of
the Spirit
occupying him, holds an object in his hand, the record of the spirit
of that object becomes active and its entire history comes in manifest and the
incidents and accounts of that thing come in shape of words on the tongue of
the Medium; same like this, when Allah
Almighty will prompt the world and all
that it has on it for Accountability and Retribution and Reward with His Kaamil
Ability, the record of the spirit
of everything will start uttering everything
on the Hand of Ability of Allah
Almighty and the earth will disclose and tell
all the previous chronicles and the difficult situations and the bodies of the
human beings will repeat and show their deeds and words they have done and
spoken in world on a bright screen and even the smallest parts of the good and
bad deed of every person will show itself in a clear way as Allah
has pronounced:
(on the Day of Resurrection) Earth is shaken with her (final) earthquake (under
Allah's Hand of Ability). And Earth yields up (and shows) her (all previous)
burdens (and severe accidents and accounts), and man says: What ails hear? That
day she will relate her chronicles (speaking in words), because your Lord
inspired her. That day mankind will issue forth in scattered groups (and lines)
to be shown their (all) deeds (on bright screen to a great Assembly around).
And whoso does good an atom's weight will see it then, and whoso does ill an
atom's weight will see then (99)