knowledge known as Apports is in practice among the Spiritualists of
Europe and this is that the Spirits
of their Spiritual Circles bring solid and
physical things inside close locked rooms from outside and vice a versa. The
nature of this phenomena is like this that the Spiritualists sit in Circle
their room and lock the room from inside. Of these Spiritualists, one is Medium
who is occupied by a Spirit
and a Jinn
or phantom. In order to make that Spirit
present, usually music and song is played. Due to music and song, that Spirit
attends sooner and exercises its domination on that Medium and the Medium
becomes out of self-control and unconscious and that Spirit
starts speaking
through his tongue and sometimes, it leaves his head and splits from his body
and emerges outside in that room as independent bulk and takes a Physical Form
after Materializing itself. It talks with the Members of that Circle
and gives
reply to their every question. At this occasion, when the people of that group
ask it to bring something inside the locked room from a place outside that room,
it fulfils their desire and at once brings the required thing inside the locked
room. In the terminology of the Spiritualists, this Ilm
is known as Apports.
Thus different things like fresh fruit, flowers, tables, chairs, precious
stones, green plants, birds, animals and the human beings even are delivered
inside locked room through Apports and the things of inside are delivered
outside that locked room. Hence, this Ilm
and Amal
is very much popular for
practice in the Spiritualists of Europe and no person can deny this. Concerning
this philosophy of the transfer of things to and from a totally locked room:
everything has three dimensions and sides. First is called Length, second is
Width and third is Depth. Spiritualists say that there is a Fourth Dimension
also for every material object through which a solid thing passes through
another solid thing through this Fourth Dimension and they have never
understood the reality of this Fourth Dimension till today.
second theory which has been said concerning these Spirits
is that when this
was asked from these that how do these manage to pass through the walls and
doors of a locked room as it is totally against the principles of Science that
a material thing can pass through another material thing without a passage and
entrance; then these Spirits
replied that they convert that material thing into
Form like gas, air or even Subtler Form by their Will Power and pass it
across a material barrier. Then the Spiritualists asked them that 'we accept
that you convert a solid thing into Subtle
Form using your Will Power and bring
it in and out of a locked room and reconvert it into its original solid form
but when you transform some fruit, vegetable, flower or some living being into
Form like Gas in order to pass it through a material barrier, then that
thing must become wasted and dead. In reply to this question, the Spirits
that 'we transform that much space of the material barrier into Subtle
which is needed to pass that living thing through it and pass that living thing
through that Subtle
point. In short, whichever theory of these two aforesaid
theories is correct or the Spirits
possess some other power to do so, this
thing is all proven and accepted solid reality that the Spirits
bring the solid
things in and out of the locked room and this statement has nothing falsity and
overstatement at all. This Amal
is commonly practiced by the Spiritualists and
this Amal
is performed in presence of hundreds of people every day in thousands
of Circles and well known philosophers, scientists, doctors and engineers
witness this in these Circles. Moreover, in order to remain safe against every
kind of deception and frauds, multiple kinds of different scientific devices
and equipment are fitted there. The scientists and philosophers of those
countries have accepted and acknowledged this Amal
after continuous deep study
and countless experiments and observations of twenty to thirty years.