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Irfan (Volume 2) IRFAAN 2


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Contrary to this, the governments of today are ruling on just the physical bodies of the people and the heart so the people are much repulsive and disgusted for them. Tools of deception and (histrionic) tricks to deceive of multifarious nature are applied. Hold and control over the necessities and provisions for life has been held. Undercover police and CID personnel is deployed in every next door. Restrictions have been imposed on the tongue and pen of everyone and newer tricks and tools are being invented in order to fasten and tighten the creatures of Lord. Moreover, in order to reach everywhere with pace, airplanes are present and news of the areas thousands of miles beyond reach every hour in seconds and in order to repress and destroy the unaided and poor, wretched, feeble and weak people, the jet planes, tanks, atom bombs and hydrogen bombs are ready. However, even then the danger and risk of the rebellion and revolt of people lurks. What output will the governments of such oppression and force and repulsion generate and for how long such temporary rules can survive. That is the reason that revolutions of novel natures are erupting. Thousands of the innocent and naïve persons are hanged till death or are shot dead by guns and many poor persons are being sentenced life-imprisonment just on the basis of suspicion and doubt. Nevertheless, the episodes of rebellion and riots and insurrection are not going to end.


It is said that a prince of Alamgir Aurangzeb (Mughal kings) became angry over something and deviant as he became and went to a Raja and started secret planning the assassination attempt on his father and to seize the power and to overthrow him. When Aurangzeb came to know this thing, he set out towards him with some soldiers with apparent intention of hunting. He left the soldiers in jungle and took a servant along with him and reached the capital town of that Raja and after tethering his horse outside, he sat inside a Masjid and sent a written decree with this subject 'by chance, we have come in your capital city and we have to see you for some urgent work. We anticipate a meeting with you in the Masjid'. In short, the royal stamp was stamped on that letter and was sent to the Raja by hand of the servant.




As per practice, the servant was called in the court of the Raja. He immediately presented the special letter of the king and when he further came to know through the verbal discussion with the servant that King Aurangzeb has suddenly arrived in his capital, he was much surprised and startled. At the same spot, he went to the Masjid along with his courtiers and cabinet on foot. When he glanced at the face of the king, he started shivering with fear and dread. He stooped (bowed) before the majesty and saluted him to observe his royal presence with great respect and deference and stood in front of the king with his hands folded across chest in humbleness and waited for his order along with all members of the government. King ordered him to come and sit in front of him. It was summer season and the king was wet in sweat. King asked him to open the buttons of his shirt. Hands of the Raja were trembling with fear. He tried hard but he could not open the button near his neck. The king gave him his own dagger that he had that time and ordered him to cut open the button with that dagger. Since, now the matter had become more dangerous and critical than the previous condition that on one side was a sharp dagger and on the other side was the button tied near the delicate gullet! Raja's face was pale in trepidation and fear. He tried many a times but the dagger fell from his hands. At last, he humbly requested the king 'O majesty! This servant is unable to follow this service'. In short, the king snatched that dagger from his hand and kept with him and addressed him like this 'O stupid merchant! Aurangzeb is sitting unaided by armies and weapons lonely inside your frontier and my dagger is in your hand and our throat is in your reach and in spite of our permission and desire, you have proved yourself disable in spite of many attempts and could not open a trivial button on your shirt then how do you dare to make plans of our assassination attempt and our destruction with my son. You must have learnt that on our head is the Shadow of Lord and we are governing under His command. Until this Imperial Reflection is on our head, there is none who can dare to cause any damage to us'. After this, he overthrew that Raja and appointed his son Raja.


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