short, this was the state of the affairs of those kings, who were the Shadows
of God in real terms and on whose heads were the real heirs (and inheritors) of
earth the Oulul-Amar
Aulia casting their shadow and they accompanied them and
backed them in their every Outward
and Inward
condition! Alas! The foreigner
Historians, in our books of History syllabus, have depicted our just, judicious,
religious and firm on Faith kings in very wrong shade and they have proven them
to be greedy, discriminative, cruel and merry makers of unlimited degree
whereas they have beaten the drum of that undue and wrong propaganda for the
appreciation and extol of their half-savage, ignorant, brutal and atrocious
sovereigns of their countries in a way that they have exalted them up higher to
our Messengers even! Hence, in those days when this Faqeer
was reading in (the
Islamia) College (Lahore), a book titled 'Alfred the Great' was included in our
English Syllabus. The writer of this book, at many places, had compared and
contrasted the conduct (and ethics), habits and dealing of the Alfred the Great
with our laudable overlord the Ahmed e Mukhtaar Hazrat
Muhammad Mustafa Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam and
had proven him better and superior (May Allah
forbid) over our Noble Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam , who's blessed essence is, no doubt, the summation of
the entire tremendous nature and he , undoubtedly, is the prototype resource of the
sublime traits and he is
him , who is the best of all the Messengers (of
Allah) and is the Beloved of the Sustainer of the Worlds and in who's praise and veneration the
earth and heavens are in echo (since ever and forever and he is matchless and the best creation of
God). Hence, what other motive can be behind this gesture of prescribing this
(absurd) book in our academic syllabus but to depict our Holy Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam , who is the Truthful
and Valid and the Beloved of the
Creator and the Creatures, as a common type of a cruel ruler (We seek Allah's
refuge against this). Moreover, the Muslim
Professors of our Islamia College
(Lahore) were compelled to teach this book and we were forced to read and
memorize this book. At such occasions, we can just say this:
is huge dissimilarity between a dead lamp and the sun,
will be grave blunder if you consider both same besides the huge difference of
action they have.
we examine the conditions of the lives of the European Sovereigns and monarchs
of earlier Sixteenth and Seventieth Century and their religious guides and the
spiritual leaders even their Popes, we see those terrific episodes and terrible
examples of barbarianism and sanguinary which surpass in degree over the blood
shedding done by (Mongol) Genghis Khan and Hulagu Khan. Among the Muslim
Mahmood Ghazanvi and Alamgir Aurangzeb had been very just, righteous and
religious. Hence, even today the signs and Anwaar
of the Spiritual Life are
noticed on their graves and the respect and esteem of their tombs is still
observed and established. However, Alas! These two have been portrayed in very
wrong impression in the books of History. In short, always the Spiritual Power
and the Inwardly
Force in Islam have done the amazing 'world conquering'
actions in form of the Hand of Allah
and the Hand of Ability against the forces
of Material Powers and the Outwardly
Kingdoms. Behind all the attacks done by
Sultan Mahmood Ghazanvi and in his achievements and the remarkable conquests
were just dependent upon the Spiritual Power and the Inwardly
Tawajuh of the
virtuous Dervishes and the Kaamil
of his time, who, like moveable iron
castles, provided the Inwardly
and Spiritual support to the Sultan and extended
him the backing of every kind.
story of granting his cloak, as auspicious gift, by Hazrat
Abul Hasan Kharqani Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaihe to Sultan Mahmood for his arduous
ventures sending him on mission of the territorial conquests and the travelling
of the Sultan along with his ordinarily equipped army across the so much
intolerable mountains and the barren deserts and their reaching the fertile,
wealthy, well populated, skillful and civilized land of Hindustan after
covering so much long distance on foot and their attacking over all central and
the main holy waters and the famous idol temples and their fighting with the
thousands of Rajas and Maharajas and their beating them in sword skill of Gatka
(the skill which is used to kill the opponents as soon as possible) and their
openly trouncing the Khashtari warriors and the gallantry of the Rajput Sikhs
and facing their skillful combatants riding on swift horses, mighty bulls and
powerful elephants and then staying all victorious and hurling two hundred
Hindus by each Muslim
soldier and driving them to Ghazni like sheep and goats;
is it not a marvel of Spiritual Power?