Historians have written that the Hindus of that time were coward and
pusillanimous and were not skilled in the skill of warfare and the performance
of battle and fight. However, this conception of these Historians is totally
wrong. How can one call the men of that nation coward and pusillanimous, whose
women can play the game of death burning alive in fire in the custom of Sattee
for the cause of their respect and honor. The art of Gatka (the use of sword
blowing skill to kill the opponent in shortest possible time) of Hindustan,
which is one of the arts of fight, is considered the best of Hindus of that
time and the 'Killing of Sword of the Hindustanis' is a famous proverb. Hence,
these absurd logics of timidity and cowardice of the Hindus has been devised by
the afore-said Historians because of their blindness and unawareness concerning
the Spiritual Power (of the Muslims).
is said that when Sultan (Mahmood of Ghzni) exhausted after prolonged fighting
at the battle of Somnath and the hearts of the gallant turned down and swords
became blunt and spears got broken and arrows ended and the Outward
Powers and
Physical Weaponry had no avail, at that time, the Sultan, finding no other way
out and finding no alternative thereof, decided to utilize the last resort of
seeking Divine Help and offering Dawat
on the trust of which he had been
attacking on such mighty powers of distant lands and states. It is said that
Sultan left his army for offering two Rakat
(Prayers) before Allah
Almighty and the presented the auspicious Cloak gifted to him by the Shaikh
(Hazrat Abul Hasan Kharqani Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe
) in the Hazoor
Almighty as Waseela
and prayed (for Divine Help). The audacity and the
of the Shaikh, which was associated and linked with that Cloak like
electricity, it filled the prayer of Sultan with the magnetic power of
acceptance and reception. What the result was that acceptance and reception
rushed running to welcome in a fraction of second. Divine Help reached. The
valor and audacity at once exhausted from the hearts of the Kuffaar
and the
and they lost their wits. On the other hand, valor, manliness and
the fervor of martyrdom surged inside the hearts of the Muslims. In short, it
was an Invisible Magic which worked in the hearts and minds of both sides which
depicted crow to be mount and grain to be mountain. Kuffaar
lost their grounds
and the Muslim
army stood victorious. Historians have quoted the tale of the
offered by Sultan and his praying for Allah's help.
since the materialistic minded Historians of this age are deniers of the Divine
Sovereignty and the Invisible Help and they know and believe only the matter or
physical force, therefore, they have given this shade to this incident that
'after offering two Rakat
(Prayers), the Sultan gathered the
generals of his army and delivered an enthusiastic speech in front of them by
virtue of which an extraordinary effect overcame their hearts and they were
filled with passion and etc. etc'. As has ever been the way of these
materialists that they craft sundry ways and logics while portraying every such
extraordinary affair in order to match it with their materialistic approach and
perception and add in a few self devised patches. Hence, this was their own and
fabricated patch which they added in the real story which they understood not.
Otherwise, in the astonishing Conquest of Somnaat (or Somnath), the real agent
was Allah's Invisible and Divine help and patronage. Late Iqbal has said this
for this occasion:
is not in the wealth and treasures nor it is in army and weaponry,
thing, which is inside the Court of a Mard
is said that when Sultan Mahmood returned Ghazni all victorious and triumphant
from the mission of Somnaat with immeasurable gold and jewels and slaves, he
humbly appeared in the Court of Hazrat
Shaikh Abul Hasan Kharqani Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaihe
). The Shaikh
said 'O Mahmood! What
did you do with my cloak?'
. The Sultan humbly replied 'I have sold your
cloak to Allah
in price of the victory over Somnaat'
. Hazrat
Shaikh said with a
smile 'O Mahmood! You have sold our cloak in very cheap price'
. For such occasion,
someone has said:
from the skirt (of the cloak) of Dervish,
powerful than the great wall of Alexander against ups and downs.

Abul Hasan Kharqani Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe
was a highly
respectable and Kaamil
Wali-Allah . He came after one hundred years of Hazrat
Bayazid Bastami Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe
, and
he received the beneficece from Hazrat Bayazid Bastami Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaihe
and in Owaisi