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Irfan (Volume 2) IRFAAN 2


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In reply to this, the very much respectable teacher suggested this effective way out to this student which is worthy of hearing 'O brilliant alumni! I tell you the right way out for this difficult and fatal situation that you should start research on hedge hogs from today. This includes in it so much interests and unimaginable strange and wonderful carnal subtleties that you will not only forget your beloved darling but also will disregard the whole world and all that it contains'. Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah)! Just have a look on the craziness and mania of the scientific studies of the European researchers and explorers that how a very highly qualified doctor is advising a solution to avoid suicide and shows him the way to salvation in the gardens of thorns on the back of a hedgehog! Now let us peep in our self that for the Seeker of Allah and for the Saalik and Arif of this Course, how much limitless and endless field of Spiritual World is ahead of him and how many wonderful and marvelous unseen and unheard treasures of (Advanced level) Learning and Mysteries are to explore and how many unique, fine and Daqeeq scientific Truths of life and the huge treasure of the vey essential and indispensable information of the eternal life-after-death is lying unexplored and hidden and the avenues of making contact and meeting with the Subtle Creatures of the Realm of Invisible like Jinnaat, Angels and Spirits and for getting their help and blessings are open and the possibilities of the Marifat, Qurb and Wisaal , Mushahida and Fanaa and Baqaa and Liqaa of Allah Almighty are present! However, we are totally blind and deaf on this aspect. Thus, the human being should not waste his precious life merely for struggle for Dunya (World) but he should also show his concern for the Uqba. No doubt, he should his worldly duties and at the same time he should not become unmindful against the Demand and search for is Lord.


With our aforementioned discussion that 'Allah Almighty is the Absolute Sustainer and the Sustenance has been predestined since the Day of Azal', some educated people of Western influence would yell with discredit and would say that 'this is just the teaching and advice for Rahbaniyat and the issues and beliefs of this kind have turned the Muslims unproductive and idle'.




This is not our intention that people should give up wording and vocations and may sit idle and unemployed just on the Tawakul on Allah Almighty. What we have described, it is the original Islamic Theory and Belief based upon the Sacred Code of Shariyat. We now describe the issue of earning the livelihood and the search for Sustenance with more details because the matter of Sustenance and livelihood is very much vital and important. In the cause of earning livelihood and Sustenance, they are totally free without a restraint and follow every way they like a horse without reins. They do not give any consideration for Halaal and Haraam and the fair and unfair. They hesitate not to get money from wherever they find it and consider every type of earning Halaal like the milk of mother. Only because of notoriety and because of the threat of the government officials and in wake of the fear of the accusations and blames of the enemies, sometimes, these people hesitate and dither to openly earn Haraam and illegitimate earnings. No limit is of accumulating wealth, capital investment and hoarding near such people. In their opinion, the standard of nobility and mores is worldly wealth and possessions. The more a person is corrupt and crooked in terms of morality and religion but is wealthy and worldly like Qaroon , the more he is noble, respectable, civilized and elite. For such people someone has said:


Be a pig, or be a bear, or be a dog for the carcass,

Be whatever you want to be but be a rich outclass.

[Talib Amili]


Rarely if ever, these people decide to spend their wealth for some good cause or in public interest, even in this move, their intention uses to be of fame, popularity and reputation in public. That is why such kinds of projects settle down like the dust of path and 'scatter motes' (25:23). Such deeds of virtue bear not value and worth near Allah Almighty. Every move and motive of such people is for the sake of Dunya (World). These people are just the slaves of Dunya (World) and the Nafs and all their efforts and struggle is limited to only Dunya (World).


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