shall We inform you who will be the greatest losers by their works? Those whose
effort goes astray in the life of the world, and yet they reckon that they do
good work. Those are they who disbelieve in the revelations of their Lord and
in the meeting with Him. Therefore, their works are vain, and on the Day of
Resurrection We assign no weight to them. That is their reward: hell, because
they disbelieved, and made a jest of Our revelations and Our messengers

it is a matter of making a jest on Allah
Almighty and His Messengers by
presenting fake and untruthful actions in the True Court of that Real Exchanger
and hoping for the return and reward for these from Allah
Almighty. A poet has
said well:
I laid my head in Prostration on ground, earth said:
have damaged me by such Prostration in hypocrisy,
I went inside the Harem
of Ka'ba, I heard this voice,
notable have you been doing outside that you have come inside?

of the House of Allah
is a great Amal. If it is done keeping all conditions and
right manners, with a Halaal
earning for this purpose, with pure intention and
intent only for winning the pleasure of Allah (Loja Allah), and
performance of Allah's set Obligations should only be for winning Allah's
gladness, happiness and for showing a respect and honor for the ways of
Allah. If Hajj
is performed in this way, verily, all shortcomings that have
been on the account of person concerning paying Allah's rights are forgiven.
For example, those Prayers and the Fasts of Ramadan, which were missed and died
by a person, these are forgiven and written off. Since one Assalaat
of the
House of Allah
bears a degree equivalent to One Hundred Thousand Assalaat
one Fast kept there is equal to One Hundred Thousand Fasts. However, the Rights
due to People are not forgiven in any way through performing Hajj
even if a
person offers Hajj
every year. Thus if you have illegally taken a penny of
other person's share or you have inflicted a person for no due reason or
aggrieved him or you have insulted him or dishonored him in anyway.
are the things, which are not forgiven at all as long as you do not pay the
rightful back or get this forgiven by him even if you offer Hajj
for all your
the Noble Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
offered the
Funeral Assalaat
of his
before starting the Funeral Assalaat
(Namaaz e Janaza) of that Companion
used to enquire from
people if that person owed money to any one in debt and as long as his debt was
not paid (of forgiven by the claimant), he
did not lead his Assalaat
Congregation. Here you
can well imagine that how much vitally important are the Rights due to People.
There are many people of world who offer Hajj
as a custom and formality. That
is why, their conduct (and ethics) and habits become worse when they return and
the fire of the demand of Dunya
(World) and cupidity flares with more intensity
and heat. From this, it becomes clear that the Hajj
of these people are just
formal and customary which do not meet the degree of Acceptance. People come
after spending thousands of Rupees on superficial Hajj
offered to show off.
However, a Muslim
is dying with hunger in their neighborhood but they cannot
take courage to give his a morsel or a Rupees as Hasbatan Lillah
. We now
describe hereunder an account of a most Accepted Hajj
in the world and finish
this discussion:
the book 'Tazkira Tul Aulia', Abdullah Bin Mubarak Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaihe
has been remembered. Once he went
for Hajj. When the Hajj
was over and it was the last night, this sage really
saw two Angels descended from heavens and sat on the roof of the Khana-e-Kaba.
One Angel asked the other Angel 'how many pilgrims have come this
year for Hajj?' The second angel, who has been designated this duty and was
responsible for the checking the details of the accounts of the Sawaab
of the
said 'this year …….. number of Hajis
have come to perform Hajj'. The
first Angel asked again 'who is him who has come on first position in
performing Hajj
this year?' the second appointed and the relevant Angel
replied 'this year a person namely Ali, son of Mofiq of Damascus city who lives
in ……….. street of Damascus, his Hajj
has become so much Accepted and Accredited
that if the Sawaab
of his Hajj
is distributed amongst all those who have come
for Hajj
this year, they can be forgiven all together!'