this dialogue of the Angels, that sage woke up and he determined to meet
and see that chosen person and should know the state the affairs of his Hajj
his Hajj
had won so much Acceptance and Accreditation. In short, that saint
travelled to Damascus after Hajj
and met that person named Ali following that
address he had come to know during his dream and asked him the details of his
Hajj. However, when that pure Mard
of God known as Ali reported that Saint that
this year he had not gone for Hajj, that Saint was greatly surprised and
astonished. He then thought that the matter of his dream could not be untrue
anyway and possibility was there that that Mr. Ali was showing his humbleness.
Thus, that Saint exposed on him he had seen in his dream and said that the
account of his dream could not be false. Here, Ali Ibn al Mofiq startled and he
exposed the incident of his Hajj like this 'I had decided to go for Hajj
this year and I had saved three thousand Dirham for the expenses on travelling.
A few days before I had to leave for Hajj, my wife, for some urgent piece of
work, happened to approach near the wall of my neighbor and smelt the aroma of
finely cooked meat. Since she was expecting a baby, therefore, she became over
excited to eat some meat and a risk arose for her carrying the fetus. She came
to me and asked me to bring some meat from the neighbors otherwise, she feared
of a miscarriage. I went to the door of my neighbor and requested him for what
I had gone to his door. My neighbor became worried upon hearing my words. First
he tried to refuse me in a nice way but when he came to know about my urgency
and problem, he told me that that meat which was being cooked in his house was
not fit for us to eat because he had been suffering from starvation for the
last three days and since that day they had approached our last hour of
withstanding hunger, he would outside the town and brought a dead chicken which
they were roasting on fire in the darkness of night; since they had been in
starvation for the last three days, therefore, this thing is Halaal
for them
and could not be Halaal
for you'.
was stunned with great surprise hearing this state of affairs and told
everything to my wife. Her (labor) pains stopped as soon as she heard this. I
discussed with my wife that what a thing of great regret would it be that our
one of our Muslim
neighbor is suffering from so much poverty and starvation
while we are ignorant about his condition and have nothing to help him out. Now
I opine that those three thousand Dirham, which we have saved with intention
for Hajj, should be spent for his help instead. Come what may, if it is in our
fate to offer Hajj, Allah
Almighty will arrange for it. For the time being, the
help and affability to this poor Muslim
is more important than offering Hajj.
Therefore, my wife agreed with me and I took those three thousand Dirham to my
neighbor and gave him to spend for his needs. Perhaps, Allah
Almighty, the Real
Exchanger, has liked this action and He has honored it with His Acceptance and
Approval and He has made me informed regarding this hidden Reward and
Munificence through you'. Thus, through my said report, that Saint Haji
got his
satisfaction and we both were so much surprised by the marvelous mysteries of
the Sacred Essence
of that Lord of Lords and the Most Merciful of all the
human being should chose virtuous actions to do and should keep absolute sincerity
(and single-mindedness) in his action with intention to please Allah
only and
he should not intend for any worldly objective, pomp and fame and dignity in
the worship done for Allah
Almighty but instead his intention should be only to
win the pleasure of Allah
Almighty and His Qurb
as Allah
Almighty says:
whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord, let him do righteous work, and make none
sharer of the worship due unto his Lord (18:110)
is reported that once, in a battle of Jihad, Hazrat Ali Karram Allah
encountered a Kaafir. While fighting, Hazrat Ali Karram Allah
threw him on ground and rode on his chest and brought his dagger out to kill