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Irfan (Volume 2) IRFAAN 2


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The originator of the Homeopathic way of treatment, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann the pride of Germany writes in his doctrine of treatment that an ailment starts in the beginning in this way that the Spiritual power of our whole body or of its certain part, is impaired by the toxic electrical power of some outsider thing that is present around us in all sides and this effect gradually shows its face in our body in shape of a certain change and our body become ill with this effect. Hence, every ailment has a Spiritual start and the Spiritual effect of the medicine can also neutralize the said bad effect. Therefore, they make the specific useful medicines from Kaseef to Latif and systematically make it more pure and Subtle according the basic principles of Homeopathy and heal the sickness. Thus, only a small and the most Subtle quantity of medicine is given. Medicines that are more viscous are mixed in Alcohol and stirred whereas the dry medicines are ground repeatedly to make these more Subtler in order to enhance the Spiritual power in these. In this way, its Subtle essence becomes a means of Shifaa (healing power) for diseases.


Western Medical Science feels great pride over the hairsplitting and deep lay of Science that the fields of drugs and medical treatments are getting widespread by means of Science and Chemistry and such big claims are being made that a day will approach when Science and Medical and Surgical treatment will eliminate all kinds of diseases from the world. Doctors of West have been doing deep research for increasing life span of a person and how can he maintain his youth (and vitality). They are seeing dreams of eternal life by means of the implantation (and change) of glands and their hormones. They are struggling vain like a blind person in the ocean of darkness of matter in search of the Water of Life. These people say that they will not let a human being die forever by changing his glands and will grant him an eternal life like Khizar. However, their dream will never come true. At that time, they have not been able to invent an effective and curing medicine for many fatal diseases like plague, cholera, tuberculosis, scrofula, dropsy, leprosy, cancer, asthma and diabetes.




When we see many European kings dying in short age of just 50 to 60 years and expiring in spite of great efforts and struggle of all the famous and renowned Doctors and their treatment, then the secret of all the hyperbole and overstatement of the bogus reality of this materialistic advanced age. Nevertheless, many well educated big doctors have always been on duty to take care of the health and existence of the kings since they were in wombs of their mothers till their late years. Full care is ensured for their food and living and no carelessness is done in this. However, they expire in front of the eyes of the doctors with ordinary diseases within days and all big doctors and physicians see them helplessly dying and they leave this world in very powerless condition. The feeble sleeve of matter cannot stop that thing which Allah's powerful, violent Hand of Ability wills to do. The Subtle Bird of Spirit is flying in the atmosphere of heaven after leaving the Cage of Elements of a person's body and the poor doctors and medical professionals are seen catching its reflection on earth like a futile exercise.


On the other hand, the Experts of Spiritual Medicine, that is, the Messengers and the Aulia have shown those marvelous and miraculous upshots in the Spiritual Medicine and the Inwardly Medication that if (today's) doctors and scientists happen to see them, they would become stunned with amazement. Thus, through Spiritual Medical approach, the Messengers revitalized the dead ones, they healed the lepers, crippled ones, the blind, disable, lame, hobbled and the mad; within a moment just by touching them with their hands. In understanding the extremely complex and subtle issue of the creation of life, the minds of the English sages are dumb but Hazrat Esa Alaihis-Salaam (Jesus Christ) had shown the solution of this issue of the creation of life by flying a bird of clay and mud through his Spiritual Damm before two thousand years from now. Allah Almighty says, in the Noble Quran, that if all the jinn and mankind work together and try to make a copy of My most inferior creation like a housefly, they will never be able to do so and if a housefly takes anything of them and flies away, then all the jinn and mankind together cannot take that thing back from it!


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