such the Kaamil
Maalik-ul-Mulki Faqeers
is the right over the entire world and
from wherever and whatsoever thing is presented to their service by reason or
without a reason as gift or present, it is Halaal
for them. This is because
that by virtue of their Auspiciousness (and blessing) on earth, rain shower
from sky and earth is thrived. By the virtue of their auspicious presence on
earth, the Visible and Invisible blights, disasters, adversities and accidents
are warded off and dispelled. Hence, their share and right is in everybody's
income as some Saalik
has said:
Whosever's morsel
it is, it turns into Noor due to his Jalaal ,
he deems fit, he eats and it is Halaal (allowed) for him,
Faqeer is the Maalik-ul-Mulki
has right over entire world as a sovereign Emir

the other hand, they are not needy of the resources and vocation in any way
because they see the practical aspect of Allah's Caliber
of Sustaining (and
Providing) through their Inwardly
Eyes that the Angels have been deputed
to provide Sustenance
to every person. The curtains of resources and matter are
lifted from their eyes and they see the Hand of Ability of the Able naked and
explicit that it is the Hand of Ability of Allah
Almighty that is distributing
of every kind whereas the sleeve of resources (to accomplish) is
just an way out and a temporary thing. Secondly, they exercise their God Gifted
on everything through their Inwardly
Power. They turn soil into gold
through their touch. If they demand fruit from a dead plant, it turn green
instantaneously and gives fruit no matter it is its season or not. In short,
the mother of resources of the world stands before them humbly waiting their
order. These people are not needy of anybody besides Allah
Almighty. For such
persons, Maulana Room Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe
is the hand and feet of every effort the special ones,
you are the real Aashiq
, you will get the Sustenance
ud Din Rumi]

who exhibit such a kind of Tawakul
and are the Masters of Haal
of same, their
hearts are full of the Spiritual Blessings and Tastes.
they feel pleasure in worldly narrowness and hunger and thirst and feel pride
in Faqar
as the Holy Prophet of Allah
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
has said 'Faqar is my
. These Abyaat of Ibne Yameen Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaihe
tell the state of his Haal:
bread of barely, saline water and simple dress and mat of jute are sufficient
for Dervish
and Faqeer
Paras and Ahadees
of Holy Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa
Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
are enough for their study,
or four beneficial books for the acquisition of Ilm
of Deen
are desired, not
the futile books of Boo Ali Sina and Ansari,
a dark cottage, which is needless of even the light of sun, is sufficient to
live in,
companionship, one or two Mardaan
e Khuda
with magnanimous courage who give no
worth to the domains of Nimruz and Sinjar,
is blessed who has such condition as on his condition,
demanders of the throne of Qaisar (Kaiser) and the searchers of the land of
Alexander envy at

the hearts of some people, Satan
has sown strange bad surmises and suspicions
regarding the Doctrine of Faith. They believe that the deviation of the
Europeans from the Doctrine of Faith, religion, the Belief of Allah
and their Materialism (and freethinking) has caused them prosperity and
affluence and the Conviction and belief of the people of East concerning
religion, religiosity and God have made them poor, dominated and destitute.
Reality is this that not irreligiousness, freethinking and immorality can case
individuals or a nation well off and advanced nor can Allah's belief, His
commemoration, His obedience and tremendous nature of a person cause him to
become poor and indigent. However, welfare of the world and the Hereafter
exhilaration there has always been related and tied with the religiosity, the
best conduct (and ethics) and the nice virtues. Every that individual or a
nation that you see advanced and on a good position in the world, he or that
nation must have taken start with any of these things like straightness,
honesty, kindness, unity, the best conduct (and ethics) and through good habits
and qualities. These things are such by virtue of these they earn the comfort,
ease, glory and height of the world as Nemul Badal
although they are not
entitled to the wealth of the Hereafter
because of Kufr
and Shirk! The said
practice makes them rich and prosperous in world.