the other hand, this thing is impossible that irreligiousness and immorality
may become a cause and means of a person's or a nation's wellbeing, prosperity
and fortune and higher status as Allah
of those whom We created there is a nation who guides with the Truth and
establishes justice therewith. And those who deny Our revelations step by step
We lead them on from whence they know not. I give them rein (for) lo! My scheme
is strong (7:181-182-183)

when you see a person or a nation rich, well settled and glorious in spite of
and Shirk
or irreligiousness and materialism (and freethinking), then the
cause and means of this thing can either be some invisible good
quality or a
fine thing in them or the religiosity and effort and sacrifice in the Cause of
by their ancestors the return of which they are being given in the world.
Since such person is not eligible and entitled for the Uqba, therefore, he is
getting that reward in this mortal world. Hence, this thing is totally
impossible and unfeasible that a person or nation believes in Allah
with absolute sincerity (and single-mindedness) of heart and does good
and still is needy, dependent and subservient of anyone both in this world as
well as in the Next World. The result and the end of irreligiousness and
decadency and cruelty and nastiness are always and everywhere is same. Moreover,
those people who, sometimes, look to be virtuous, honest, well behaving but
still their virtue and good
conduct (and ethics) is either just formal, showy
or an impression of Riya
and ostentation or there is corruption
(and mischief)
and distortion inside their intention, theirs such superficial act of virtue
and morality derives no outcome as this has been advised in a Hadis
of the Holy Prophet of Allah
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
'Verily! (Advantage or disadvantage of) actions depend upon the intentions (of
the doers)'
(Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
does not notice your faces nor does He see your (Outward) actions but
instead He keeps His gaze
upon your hearts and intentions

if an action is carried on with genuine intention, it surely gets the outcome
at the same instance. Hence, of the action, one or two actions are being
described here under by which light is thrown on its advantage or disadvantage
because of its nature and intention. One of these is the Assalaat
which is offered Five Times a day and concerning which this has been said in a
(Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
(Prayers) bear the degree of ascension for the Believers.

addition, this is also right on its place that Allah
Almighty the Hayyu-Qayyum
nearer to the slave than his jugular vein. He is not an idol of fixed stone but
instead He is the All Hearing and All Seeing and Speaker that when the slave
calls Him, He replies! There are such bondmen of Allah
Almighty that when the
say Subhaana Rabbi-yal A'laa
in prostration posture of Assalaat, Allah
Almighty addresses him Labbaika Yaa Abdee, that is, 'I am present O My slave!
Ask for that which you want'
and in the Sitting Posture between two
Prostrations, the selective slave of Allah
Almighty enters the Qurb
of Allah
Almighty and a special Tajalli
is sent on him as Allah
prostrate yourself, and draw near (unto Allah) (96:19)

is the matter of Allah's special extraordinary chosen beloved bondmen. However,
if an average Momin
Muttaqee also offers Assalaat
(Prayers) with absolute sincerity
(and single-mindedness), good
intention and up to a good
degree, some good
tidings and fine revelations are got by him in Assalaat
from Allah
Hence, taste, flavor and comfort is felt by some inside Assalaat
Some become pathetic and start sobbing. Tongue of some persons becomes sweet of
such kind as if someone has mixed honey in mouth. By some persons, an air or
fragrance of a peculiar type is felt. Good
dreams are seen by some persons
after their Esha or Tahajud
(Prayers) and happy news are received in
dream. The most ordinary level (efficacious) effectiveness (and the impact) of
is this that a certain type of burden is released from the body after
a person has concluded his Prayers.