remain in search of the Halaal
Sustenance. If, by chance, they find a way of
earning Halaal
income, often they come across dead hearted sensual people,
sinful and abominable persons, the irreligious and worldly arrogant, haughty
and cruel people and because of their contact with the dead hearted sensual
people of this kind and their company with the cruel people and because of the
undue courtesy and respect and honor they have to give to the worldly arrogant
and haughty persons, their religious case becomes corrupt and spoiled as it has
incline not toward those who do wrong lest the Fire touches you (11:113)

every bad company has a bad effect.
(Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
person, who gives respect and shows courtesy to a rich and worldly person just
for the sake of Dunya
(World), his two-third Eimaan
is lost at the same

is the reason that by many Muttaqee and Heedful people is got the Taufeeq
the Assalaat
(Prayers) of Tahjjud (late night prayers) in the beginning and
they find great taste in Recitation, Zikr
and saying Allah
Allah. However
sometimes, the Inwardly
Affair of their hearts turns otherwise for no apparent
reason. Neither that Zeal
and Fervor
they earlier had prevails nor do they find
the taste in Worshiping, Zikr
and Fikr
like before. The only reason for this is
the bad effect of the company of the bad dead hearted people and his closeness
with the cruel people. Thus, the situation of earning Sustenance
proves very
complex, difficult and hard for the pious and righteous people and some are
those, who lose the game after facing Rijat
and defeat in this case. On the
other hand, those people, who remain steadfast (and persistent) and resolute,
they keep their Devoutness and Taqwa. On such people, after some test and trial,
Almighty opens the uncontaminated Invisible ways of Halaal
Sustenance and
provides them Sustenance
from that side which cannot be understood and imagined
by anyone. In addition, in some cases, Allah
Almighty creates an emotion of
best credibility and conviction and affection in the heart of other people and
they offer him every kind of service cordially and genuinely and obey his
orders and Allah
Almighty frees them against the tensions of earning a
livelihood and they become engaged and preoccupied in the Zikr
of Allah
Almighty with total preoccupation and single-mind and with a free heart.
the world serves them like a maid and their heart remains empty and disengaged
in it as Maulana Room Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe
water has entered the boat, it ruins it,
water is under the boat, it gives it necessary uplift.
ud Din Rumi]

is, same as when water enters a boat, it becomes a cause of its destruction and
fatality whereas if water is under the boat, it helps it and gives support in
water. In the same way Dunya
(World) does not bring harm to such kind of Saalik
but serves him instead. This word
of Allah
Almighty fits on the Haal
of this kind:
will appoint a way out for him, and will provide for him from (a quarter)
whence he has no expectation (65:2-3)

Here this proverb also proves wrong that 'hand is busy in work and heart is
engrossed in the Friend'
. The same proverb is also in Punjabi language
. These
proverbs fail here because that work in which hand is busy, heart also engages
in that and when the imaginary dogs of Dunya
(World) enter the house of the
heart, the Angel of the Zikr
of Allah
Almighty does not enter the
compound of the house of heart! Therefore, this proverb can be correct in this
way: 'hand is idle and heart is engrossed in the Friend'
group is of those chosen, sacred, distinctive and the Ultimate Arifeen
, who
are quite rare in the world. Their Haal
is of Tawakul
and these people are
higher above the matters of vocation and searching and finding Sustenance
this verse portrays their Haal.
whosoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him (65:3)