relatives and friends kiss each other when they meet. Often when their letter
is received after long time and waiting, we kiss it because of great love and
touch out eyes with it. Sometimes, we touch their clothes and other belongings
with our bosom. Thus, such kind of acts are done in super-affection and there
is no sin in this according the Code of Shariyat. In short, every that thing
which is related to some beloved, if it comes to the lover, the lover shows his
uncontrolled display of love by kissing that thing. In short, this is, but, a
case of our temporary worldly love whereas the love of the Slaves and the
Lovers of Allah
Almighty uses to be stauncher than this as this has arrived:
who believe are stauncher in their love for Allah

love of Momineen for Allah
Almighty uses to be very staunch. Hence, the Murshid-e-Kaamil
, who is the Guide and Companion of the Journey of the Inwardly
of the
towards the Real beloved
Almighty and he is the means and medium of
His Qurb
and Wasal
, he also becomes a beloved in his obedience of the Real
and giving him
respect and esteem means Allah's respect and esteem. Therefore, it is fair to
kiss the tomb or the cover of the grave of a Kaamil
Wali-Allah. Hajr e Aswad
(the Black Stone of Ka'ba) is a stone but it has been set compulsory and
essential to kiss it in respect. Kissing the covers of the Holy Quran, Ka'ba
and other consecrated things in their honor is a deed of virtue to earn Sawaab.
Thus, there is no reason there to say that it is unjust thing to kiss the grave
of mother, father, teacher, Murshid
and a Wali or a Prophet because we give
them respect for winning the pleasure of Allah (Loja Allah). Hence, it
is included in the 'offerings consecrated to Allah' (Sha-aaer-Allah).
says: And
whoso magnifies the offerings consecrated to Allah, it surely is from devotion
of the hearts (22:32)

'falling in Prostration' is not allowed to anyone other than Allah
alone. In the Dawat-on-Graves, only the Holy Quran is read near the grave of
some Saint or Wali-Allah. Here is no doubt or implication of any Bidat. Hence,
the Dawat-on-Graves
(Dawat ul Qaboor) is a special Quranic Action by means of
which the Roohani
comes and is forced to help and facilitate in the Inward
the Reader of Dawat.
this Dawat
can only be read by the Kaamil
person. No use of kiss, respect
and magnification and Prostration etcetera is there in this process and there
is no question of any kind like this. Those atheists blind by eye persons
believe that when a human being has died, he becomes just a non-entity and his
is finished, we have no link with such materialistic atheists and this
theory has been supported by all the sound minded people of knowledge and
understanding and the ancients people and the modern researchers that Ruh
(Spirit) remains alive after the death of a person and it visits us in this
world from time to time. The Spiritualists of Europe, that is the experts of
the knowledge of Spirituality have proved this thing by means of their
experiments and observations that Spirits
remain alive after death, meet and
converse with the living people by coming back in this world and help and
support the living ones. We have explained this thins in the First Volume of
'Irfaan'. Moreover, these people have also found this fact that even the
of the animals and beasts also exist after their deaths and many
experiments and findings are presented as proofs.
an English writes that 'once, I stationed in a house of my relative for some
urgent task forty miles away of my city. In that house, one day, when of leaned
forward to pick something, my dog, whom I had left at my house, was seen there
and it jumped over my shoulders. When I tried to hold on it from my backside,
my heart crossed its body without have a touch of its body because it was not a
material or physical dog but instead it was its Subtle
Spiritual Bulk
vanished at that time. I was surprised and very much astonished at this thing.
Thus, I rang my home telephone number and asked the person there about my dog.
I was reported that it went outside in the evening when it was snowing and it
was covered with snow and died because of that. It was exactly that time when
the spirit of my dog had clung over my shoulders as a usual gesture of its love
for me.