a resolute Messenger (of Allah) can get the help, assistance and facilitation
of the dead meat of an animal and in such critical hour of great problem, by
seeking the help of the corpse of a dead animal he can save the people from
bloodshed, then why can the help of Allah's saintly, chosen, selected and beloved
Wali-Allah's grave and his dead body or his Spirituality? Certainly this can be
on the Holy Night of Mi'raaj (Ascension), when our overlord Hazrat
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
met Hazrat
Musa Alaihis-Salaam
(Moses) after he
had been
Ordered to prescribe fifty Assalaat
(Prayers) in a day and night to his
deceased nation and he
mentioned him
about the fifty
a day, Hazrat
Musa Alaihis-Salaam
(Moses) expressed his
opinion and said
that his
nation would not
be able to lift the responsibility of the fifty Assalaat
per day. Thus it is
advisable to humbly request Allah
Almighty for reducing this number. Hence,
when he
requested for
three times for reduction in Assalaat
per day, the Obligation
of Assalaat
day was fixed for five times a day. Here a big example is present where the Chosen
Chief of the Messengers (of Allah) and the Seal of Prophecy
and the Superior Most in Mankind
takes benefit from the Spirit
of a Messenger who had passed away this world long time before him. With this
benefit, the whole Ummat
will be benefited till the Last Hour. However, some
blind jealous Ulema
in them, still insist upon seeking no help of the Roohaneen
and call this help-seeking a Shirk.
the matter of visiting the graves of the Saint of Religion, many people have
not considered the moderate way and have crossed the limit by either doing too
much or doing too less than that which is deserved to be done. Of these people,
one is that folk of the rough tempered blind claimants of Dehydrated Tauheed
who just hate the name of grave. They become rude and hard for nothing when
someone mentions the name of the grave or shrine of some Saint Wali or Prophet
and consider all graves idols and their pilgrims Mushrik
and say that what is
the difference between those who seek help and pray on graves and those who do
so before idols? If it is Shirk
to recite Fatihah, Darood
and the Holy Quran on
the grave of a person, then what it is whose name is Tauheed? Like Dehris and
the Naturists, they believe that a person becomes nonentity from entity and is
vanished away after his death. What for he should be remembered. Moreover, it
is vain to give charity in his name or donate Sawaab
of recital of Quran to his
the Kuffaar, these people are in the despair of the People-of-Graves.
says: O
you who believe! Be not friendly with a folk whom Allah
is wrath, (a folk) who
have despaired of the Hereafter
as the disbelieves despair of those who are in
the graves (60:13)

is, those who believe that human being is the name of just that corporeal body
which becomes soil after dying and there lasts no such thing like Ruh
If such is the case then why Shariyat
has made it obligatory to offer the
Funeral Assalaat
(Prayers) of the dead body and the acts of burying him and
cladding him Shroud and Coffin and fixing a land of one and a half meter for
his grave and spending a handsome amount would be just a wastage of time and
money. Was it not better then to burn the dead body in fire and throwing the
ash of his body in river like Hindus!
the other side are those people, who fall in prostration before the graves of
their Saints and consider them alone their facilitators in hours of need and
the granters of wishes. Thus, there is a Beaten Path of moderate approach for
every move. However, the Satan
sends the people astray of the Path of Haq
the twisted paths which transgress the upper and lower limits.
says: and
Allah's is the direction of the way, and some (roads) go not straight (16:9)

should avoid such ways. Hence, the moderate way is this that one should go to
the grave of his relative, kin or friend for offering Fateha and Darood.
Especially if he goes on Thursday and offers the Sawaab
of the recital of
Fateha, Darood, Surah
Al Ikhlaas or the recitation of the Holy Quran to the
deceased person in an acceptable way or he should give charity in his name to
the poor. In this way the Sawaab
reaches the People of Grave and the Roohani
becomes happy and pleased by this and cheerful and contended and in lieu of
this, he prays for the good of the person visiting his grave and gifting him
and tries to conduct him the benefit according to its capacity, power
and Taufeeq
that it has. In addition, if at the time of visiting the grave, a person,
under the overwhelming love and the fervor of devotion, kisses or touches the
grave of his mother, father, teacher or Murshid
with respect and affection,
there is no wrong in this action because that person with him you have love and
devotion, his everything is felt lovely and dear.